Well at least I am not paranoid!!!!!

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Hello all my lovelies out there in Mac land......Well I am pleased to say that The Kezzerbird is NOT paranoid, there is something going on in side of me, there are some changes in some noduals ( proberly spelt wrong, but who cares!) What noduals! so I am no wiser yet, my onc is on holiday and back next week but one of my surgeons, who I spoke to said they will be looking over my case then and will decide what to do then, jolly decent of them I thought! It could be the cancer back, it could be scar tissue or cysts or even a hernia, Who knows. I am not going to worry myself silly just yet, until I know. Oh well guys, you take care. Love and hugs to those that want them. I will keep you posted.......love Carol x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol.....Not the news you wanted to here...but untill you know what it is for sure ...like you say whats the point of worrying...it won.t make it any better or make it go aways...so keep on living your life carol as you have always done ...enjoy it every day...you.ve come this far and theres still a lot of mileage left in you yet....(fingers still crossed)....johnb...x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, I want a hug and will give you one right back. Will believe it is something minor and mentally send bad sweary words to your nodules. Damn cheek, not behaving themselves! Just you put your mental boot in!

    Much love

    Grace X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kez,

    Those nodules don't know what they're doing!  They should know better than to mess with The Kezzerbird!!  Hope it turns out to be scar tissue...

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you guys......if this does turn out to be the cancer back, it can bugger off again, I fought it once and I will fight it again, I have started getting my life back again after going to hell and back again and if this bloody cancer thinks it can just come back and invade me again, wrong coz I am not having it...............OH THAT WAS MASTERFULL! love you guys xx

  • FormerMember

    How dare the onc go on holiday! LOL

    Keeping everything crossed Carol that the nodules are nothing to worry about.

    Angela xx