kezzerbird's blog

  • Me, Myself and Chemo part 2

    To carry on from Me, Myself and chemo, I have to say that my first experience of chemo isn't the norm. I was just unlucky. My second chemo was done in the Sunrise centre, where it would normally have been done. Just to refresh, I had to start treatment very quickly and there was no room for me to have treatment in the centre. My second experience was wonderful to say the least.........They spoke to me with warmth and…
  • Me, Myself and Chemo

    My first experience with chemotherapy wasn't what I had hoped for. I had to start my chemo quickly so I ended up on a ward instead of the Sunrise unit because there was no room for me there, which was fine by me. I entered the ward and was shown a bed and left there, I didn't have an idea what was going to happen to me. I wasn't particulary worried or scared, which was a good thing for me, maybe somebody else might have…
  • I am still me you know

    I came back from my holiday, two weeks of sheer bliss on the narrow boats with my partner Kev in Oct 07, totally refreshed and ready to go back to work as deputy head door supervisor in a night club. I was ready for everything, the abuse, the occasional prat wanting to rip my head off ect. By the middle of Oct I started getting pain in the area of my right ovary, which slowly started getting worse, but I still went to…