Me, Myself and Chemo part 2

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To carry on from Me, Myself and chemo, I have to say that my first experience of chemo isn't the norm. I was just unlucky. My second chemo was done in the Sunrise centre, where it would normally have been done. Just to refresh, I had to start treatment very quickly and there was no room for me to have treatment in the centre. My second experience was wonderful to say the least.........They spoke to me with warmth and kindness they explained everything that they were doing and why. There was laughter and patients and staff interacted with eachother. I felt so different, I was a human being and I was treated like one. The five and a quarter hours of having chemo went by alot quicker and I actually felt good. It just goes to show,a little human kindness goes a long, long way and it's not too much to ask for. I have had two other sessions of chemo in the same place since then and I have been treated very well.............NICE ONE. Take care guys, and if you are feeling down..........stick a tea plate in your mouth and you will have to smile!!! Love Carolxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi kezzerbird. have just read all your blogs. you sound a formidable lady with a soft centre.Im with you, I would have to say/do something to the ignant shits who ignored you at first.

    Its only the humour that comes from us that keep us going you get none from the NHS, Only thing they are good at is cocking things up. Still at least you are getting some treatment, thats got to be a bonus.

    you keep well and keep smiling. I cant help thinking of the day you wake up with hair regrown.It will be  a day to look forward to cos hopefully you will be through it then.

  • FormerMember

    You're a brave lady!  Hope I manage to cope with chemo with the same courage and humour!  Love, Kate xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate......I know you have your chemo coming up and all I can say is stay strong, we all take chemo differently and it depends on what you are given.

    You will have good and bad days my sweet, take each day as it comes and listen to your body, it will tell you what to do. I'm not brave, I am trying to survive, it is a shame that the NHS keeps upsetting me (Nothing worse than a big bald bad tempered female bouncer coming at you!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    So you have had your op and are getting through it,I have that to come and I've had most of my chemo and got through that, so between us we can't fail, Love Carolxxx