kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird, canal..The Reurn part3


    Summit crashed out as soon as we got back on the boat, good ole fresh air! We moored up at the Poachers Pocket for a meal and a drink, then moved on a little further to moor up for the night near the Bridge Inn so that Kev could go down for the 'stinky cheese night' but no one else turned up for it, so Billy no Mates came back to the boat, where he found me and the dog crashed out.

    When I went to get into my…

  • Kezzerbird still bouncing!


    Hi my lovelies.........................Saturday night was the real tester for me and my fittness, we were very busy and it was great, I had such a laugh. The 18 and 19 year olds who hadn't met me turned out to be brilliant. I only had a couple of disagreements with two of them, which I delt with rather was a lad who likes to try and start fights (this means a light snack for me!!!!) I went to him to…

  • The Bouncing Kezzerbird!!


    Hi Guys..................Just thought I'd let you all know how my first night back working the doors went...........WELL....I had a ball. Fridays nights aren't that busy but what customers we did have in were party animals, I even had some of them dancing with me, I got slobbered over  and hugged by all! What an amazing buzz. I had a great welcome back, though my doorcrew are a little wary that I am not quite ready…

  • I used to be.....


    I used to be an Oak tree

    Standing proud from out the ground

    Reaching my branches skywards

    Then some bugger cut me down

    They cut away my splendor

    and left me there to die

    But  from my wounds, a sign of life

    a  tiny branch looked to the sky

    And then appeared some tiny leaves

    that unfolded from no where

    This was a sign I'm coming back

    growing once there


    Never give Carol…

  • Kezzerbird, canal...The Return part two


    The first stop, Ellesmere, now normally it is off to The Black Lion for a meal, but we decided to stay on the boat and give Summit a real chance to settle down, so it was a Chinese, booze and a DVD. It was actually a nice evening.

    MONDAY 5th October 09

    We had all slept extremely well, it had been a long day. At about 8 we were up and about, Summit and Kev went for a walk before breakfast, then we set sail for Chirk…