Kezzerbird, canal...The Return part two

1 minute read time.

The first stop, Ellesmere, now normally it is off to The Black Lion for a meal, but we decided to stay on the boat and give Summit a real chance to settle down, so it was a Chinese, booze and a DVD. It was actually a nice evening.

MONDAY 5th October 09

We had all slept extremely well, it had been a long day. At about 8 we were up and about, Summit and Kev went for a walk before breakfast, then we set sail for Chirk and The Poachers pocket.



It is so hard to believe that I was actually dying this time last year, now unless people know me they would never guess in a million years what had gone on and I am hardly going to go boating stark naked to show off my battles scars, am I? Well not in October!

We were pottering along the canal in jeans and tee shirts, the sky was a light blue with a big shiny thing projecting warm rays everywhere. Blimey I remember what it's called.....Sunshine!! It was like a glorious summer's day, no wind, only a pleasing gentle breeze. Ah, ansome (Cornish for oh lovely!)

With this remark, after my reading this to Kev, he started waffling on in Cornish, I only know swear words in Cornish and he wasn't swearing at me. Ummm!


Kev is a happy man, we were passing a field full of sheep, Summit being a Border Collie has no interest in them at all. I know Kev would like to 'Round em up!' but I put my foot down with that (Don't ask!)



We passed through the locks without any problems and stopped to fill up with water. I decided to take Summit for a walk on the tow path. We walked further than I had intended but the scenery was so lovely and being a warm bright day made it look so much better. I passed a cottage where the owner has a pet sheep called Rosie, would she still be there, yes she was and now has a companion, Summit took no notice, there were other things to be looking at.
