kezzerbird's blog

  • An update from the Kezzerbird


    Hello my lovelies.......................Yesterday was another 3 month check up with my consultant and this time I got to see my mad oncologist who I haven't seen for 6 months.........his face said it all when he clapped eyes on me, the biggest grin, I think I've ever seen. He just stood there in front of me and said "You look fantastic" my reply was "I know...I was born this way!" he went a got his other two partners…



    Hi Guys...recently I wrote about work related stress. A run down for you.

    Having been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in March 2008, I was given the normal chemo treatment for this, I was told I had 85% chance of recovery then. It turned out that the chemo didn't work and the cancer spread to my womb, bowl, stomach and Ormentum, this was discovered during my op, they removed all but some tumours in the lining of my stomach…

  • Ostomists club meeting!


    Well guys tomorrow there is a new support group starting for us Ostomists or Optimists has I like to call us, here in my town, so i am looking forward forward to that. I know one couple who will be there already and it will be interesting to see who else turns up. Well at least i get to see my stoma nurse!

  • I saw my grand daughter


    Hi all you lovely people..............After getting your opinions on whether I should go and meet my grand daughter Evie who is eight months old now because her parents split up. WELL I saw her today and she is great, it will take time for us to bond but if her mother doesn't tell me to sod off (to back back at my son) I will see her once a week and hopefully we will get close, I did have a few smiles out of her though…

  • Work related stress


    Kev my other half, walked out of work yesterday. He pulled a muscle in his arm and it has been giving him jip, so he signed himself off work, then got a sick note from our GP, he has gone back to work before the arm has fully recover (he works with heavy machinery). Yesterday he is collared by some prat from management who says he has taken far too much time of work, dating back from last year, these morons have had three…