1 minute read time.

Hi Guys...recently I wrote about work related stress. A run down for you.

Having been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in March 2008, I was given the normal chemo treatment for this, I was told I had 85% chance of recovery then. It turned out that the chemo didn't work and the cancer spread to my womb, bowl, stomach and Ormentum, this was discovered during my op, they removed all but some tumours in the lining of my stomach. I then had a harsh regime of new chemos, which almost killed me. I am now in remission and have been for 8 months now. Then major problem that is occurring right now is from my partner work place. Having had time of work to take me for treatment, hospitals appointment etc, he is now at risk from loosing his job basically because of me and my cancer. The company now accept I had cancer because I gave Kev my diagnosis sheet to photocopy but they don't see or accept why he needed time of work and especially now, he wasn't sick and I am in remission, so what is the problem! He has seen 3 occupational nurses and has to see another one, the company haven't even read the other reports. Kev could have gone of sick for 6 months at a time but didn't he worked and now they are saying he should be fine. I am disgusted about this and now it is effecting my health, I am still fighting to try and prevent my cancer returning which could occur at any time. Now this is effecting my health as well has his. Don't carers have any rights, they go through hell to. I can't see Citizens advice because you have to wait months for an appointment. I have contacted my GP who helped me through 18 months of hell and she is going to help. Any advice given will be gratefully received. Cancer doesn't just effect the patient, what about the partners. I don't need this stress

  • FormerMember

    Oh hun, you've been through such a rough time and now you've got this to deal with! The CAB are a bit crap sometimes about giving out appointments, but sometimes you can 'phone' them and speak to someone. It's easier and quicker than trying to see them. Other options are phoning the MacMillan help line here (0808 808 00 00). They have really helped me and have put me through to a CAB office who phoned me back. Another option is if you have house contents insurance. Many policies include legal cover. If yours does, ring them. They are brilliant on employment law (my ex had to use it for work stuff a few years ago, and the advice we got meant he wasn't kicked out of work too). Don't know what else to advise hun. Just here for you. Wish you the best of luck.


    Monna xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol if he is in a union you could always call on them. Other than that I don't know what else to suggest. They obviously don't care about their employees. What about taking it to your local newspaper and getting them to do a story naming and shaming. It might not help him geep his job cos it looks like they want rid of him. But it should make you feel a bit better.

    Sorry not much help

    Love Teri

    If only they could walk a mile in our shoes !!

  • FormerMember

    There is a leaflet about emplyment rights and things related to cancer issues. It is published by Macmillan I think. Try giving their helpline a call or I would even go as far as to say get some legal advice. Like I said to you before we have had the same problem with my husbands work they are arseholes!! We planned all my chemo around his shifts so he didnt need to take time off and we have 3 little kids so sometimes when he did earlys and started at 6am I would have to try to deal with the kids until a decent hour when someone could come and watch them. All because his bosses didnt understand, or didnt want to. They still moan at him now for not doing overtime and if he asks for time off for appointments etc they say well do you really need it? Once he asked for a few days off as it was chemo and I needed him to be there for the first few days and his boss told him someone had already asked for time off to take their dog to the vets as it was ill!! My dad was livid when I told him! There is a Mac information office where I go for treatment is there anything like this near you? They are usually fab at pointing you in the right direction and may even act on your behalf. This has to stop.

    Good luck Carol,

    Love Chrissi xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    You can try ringing ACAS they are fantastic with the hepl they give you over the phone and are s**t hot on employment law, try not to stress out too much babes you still need to take care but I know its easier said than done.

    take care love Terri xxx

  • FormerMember


    Sorry to hear you are getting stress from this when you least need it.

    I'm sure carers are covered for just this sort of crap that some employers seem to dish out.

    I'll have a look around & see what i can find out.

    Carers need as much support as us patients do, but not if it means the patient suffering as a result.
