Work related stress

1 minute read time.

Kev my other half, walked out of work yesterday. He pulled a muscle in his arm and it has been giving him jip, so he signed himself off work, then got a sick note from our GP, he has gone back to work before the arm has fully recover (he works with heavy machinery). Yesterday he is collared by some prat from management who says he has taken far too much time of work, dating back from last year, these morons have had three meeting with him to discuss why he has been off work and he has seen three occupational nurses, who have stated the reasons (me having 5 damn cancers and nearly dying) and have said that they expected him to have even more time off work under the circumstances and now his work want to dig it all up again after the case is closed. Kev could have taken 6 months off at a time during my illness but didn't, he is type two diabetic and has been on anti depressants since my illness started last March and now he has work related stress. Don't these people understand English or what! Kev informed his boss of the facts has soon as we knew. Carol x

  • FormerMember

    why does MORONS come to mind? Keep smiling anyway Carol,xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    My husband had similar problems with his work, it seemed to one 'boss' in particular. I think some people dont know the meaning of compassion or understand the struggle you go through to try and keep everybody 'happy'. Stand you ground with these idiots, make sure Kev has the time he needs to get himself well and try not to let it get to you. They obviously are not worth it.

    Love Chrissixxx

  • FormerMember

    god,why are they giving him a hard time,im amazed that he has made it to work at all recently,wait till one of their family is ill,then they will know what its really like xx

  • FormerMember

    Keeze, I've had the same thing of sorts, except it is pressure from the insurance companies.  You know how awful it is over here in the states with our insurance nonsense.  Stay the course.  There is always a solution.  There are always doctor's notes, telephone calls (keep copies of everything), new jobs (could be a blessing in disguise), extra help for you so he doesn't have to take more time off of work (let them cool off).

    Not enough time is devoted to the emotional segment of cancer unless the patient asks and sometimes we get so far off the beam it takes more time to come back from it.

    He's probably causing flack with his co-workers because they are having to pick up his slack, perhaps.  Then in turn they complain to the bosses.  The bosses hold close to the labor laws.  So should you guys.  Consult with someone (free, preferably through your cancer care team) and get legal advice.  Hopefully you will both get some relief.  If it affects YOUR health, your care team will be right there for you.

    I think we all pretty much get in the same boat at one time or another with these cancers...dirty pigs...all of 'em...<wink>


  • FormerMember

    I have been treated the same with my work and am now off with work related stress - and only a few weeks after my cancer operation.  Some people are complete idiots.