kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird: hair today...gone tomorrow!


    I was hoping that my treatment would be starting on Monday of next week but I have to phone on the 2nd of next month to get a bed on my old ward because there is no room at the daycare facility for me!!!! I am finding that with this being the second time around, it is so much easier. I have stayed chilled because I am not walking into the unknown and I have sorted out all I need to with my medical team, I have seen my…

  • Kezzerbird and the Onc!


    Hellooooooooooo out there in Mac land......Well I have seen my Oncologist today and treatment is planned within the next two weeks. I am honoured because four consultants got together and had a pow wow about little ole moi and have decided that I am to have Etoposide and Cisplatin. I shall have to go and have it one day a week, it takes 10 hours to administer, for 6 weeks and will then just carry on with chemo tabs. After…

  • The Kezzerbird is a totally chilled dude!


    I didn't go into work this weekend, I thought I could but then it would have meant everyone crying and cuddling me and saying how sorry they were and I would have crumpled into a heap, so I just stayed away and it was the right thing to do for me. My wonderful boss asked me my opinion  on who should take over from me and her words were "Well it's only until you come back". My favourite doorman Steve phoned…

  • Kezzerbird says thanks x


    Wow you guys what can I say to you all for your fantastic support. It is time for me to blow some sunshine up some butts. I haven't cried because I can't yet, I knew the cancer would return but this time at the moment I have only one to fight, not five like last time! I know I can do it because I am not going anywhere yet until I am ready. Having support even from amazing people who have recently lost there loved ones…

  • Kezzerbird...Ding Ding round two!!!!!


    Well all my wonderful friends in Mac land.....the news is that the cancer is back, not unexpected mind you (see Debs it wasn't down to me being a crap rider!!!!)

    How do I feel....bloody relieved that's what. The cancer as been laying dormant in my stomach and has started to grow again and also there are some more tumors in the same area, luckily there is no sign of any fluid so the little buggers can't spread, my…