Kezzerbird and the Onc!

1 minute read time.

Hellooooooooooo out there in Mac land......Well I have seen my Oncologist today and treatment is planned within the next two weeks. I am honoured because four consultants got together and had a pow wow about little ole moi and have decided that I am to have Etoposide and Cisplatin. I shall have to go and have it one day a week, it takes 10 hours to administer, for 6 weeks and will then just carry on with chemo tabs. After the 3rd lot, I will have a scan to see if it is working, if it is I carry on, if not, well it will be time to re-think. I did ask what bits of me are going to drop off this time and was told my hair and weight again (Oh I can get my bald Kate moss look back again!!!!!) My hair..well that wasn't a problem for me before, so it certainly isn't now, I am not sure where my two bright blue wigs went, I must find them and I have kept my stick thin clothes, so being Cornish and tight, I don't have to pay out for all that again!!!!!! I am happy to say that this time will not be as bad as before because I do not have to have any surgery. this time, it will still be bad, but hey, I can handle that. My veins aren't brilliant but they can put in a PICC line, so that is good. I am still chilled out and ready, I see my wonderful Mac nurse mike on Thursday, so he is back on board and will once again kick my butt for me when I reach that point of utter dispare and he is looking forward to see my tattoo!!!! So my lovely wonderful friends, I may be out of touch for awhile but will blog again when I am able to, so you take care and I am thinking of you, sending love and hugs to those that want them as Carol x

I wonder what my tattoo is going to look like when my butt goes UMMMM!!!
