Work related stress

1 minute read time.

Kev my other half, walked out of work yesterday. He pulled a muscle in his arm and it has been giving him jip, so he signed himself off work, then got a sick note from our GP, he has gone back to work before the arm has fully recover (he works with heavy machinery). Yesterday he is collared by some prat from management who says he has taken far too much time of work, dating back from last year, these morons have had three meeting with him to discuss why he has been off work and he has seen three occupational nurses, who have stated the reasons (me having 5 damn cancers and nearly dying) and have said that they expected him to have even more time off work under the circumstances and now his work want to dig it all up again after the case is closed. Kev could have taken 6 months off at a time during my illness but didn't, he is type two diabetic and has been on anti depressants since my illness started last March and now he has work related stress. Don't these people understand English or what! Kev informed his boss of the facts has soon as we knew. Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Some companys are complete t*****s Carol, I bet it would be a completely different story if any of the management had had to go through what you and Kev have. It just goes to show how mindless they are and that is their problem, get some advise babes on where Kev stands just so you are fully armed if it goes any further.

    take care love Terri xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, I agree with Terri. If your bloke's manager's partner was going through something like this, how much time would he be taking off work? The Citizens Advice Bureau will be able to advise you of Kev's rights and stuff. Let us know how it goes.

    Monna xx