Kezzertrude rides the magic roundabout again!

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Oh Debs you have a lot to answer for girl!!!!Well tomorrow is chemo two day, I hope to get a PICC line put in, if I walk onto the ward tomorrow and they have put up a life size target on one of the doors, I shall know it's there for me!!!!! Spot the vein! UMPH! Henry my stoma is working very well now after being blasted by a Vindaloo, so that as helped with the sicky feeling I have constantly. I can't swing from any chandeliers now, being upside down or even bending over is a no no, I can't throw up because of the chemo tablet I have each morning, that will mess up my treatment and that will never do! The worst thing for me so far is that I can't have my two buckets of tea in the morning, milk and I have fallen out, so it is herbal teas for me at the moment. My energy levels are dropping but luckily this time around I can get myself up and about and do bits and pieces and enjoy the glorious sunshine! Love and hugs to those that want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Do I get that feeling there are people trying to upset you.

    Now that would be a silly thing to do.!!!!!

    Enjoy your scampi and chips. Hope all goes well tomorrow.

    You take care. Love and Hugs

  • FormerMember

    hiya carol.... good luck with the chemo... i am a great tea drinker tea substitute, i use to be a milk and 2 sugars gal... but now i am black with one sugar thanks.... would it make a difference if you tried it black? it took me about 4 or 5 days to get used to it... but nowe i couldnt have milk if you paid me lol

    what a blooming pain them not sorting your picc line out... how would they like being on the recieving end eh?

    liz xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello sunshine how you doing, don't know anything bout tea went off that 17 yrs ago when I was pregnant.

    Funny how when something messes with our hormones we like and dislike different things.

    Now you really should have known better than to expect a DR to actually tell anyone what they should be doing, or even write it down.

    Love in waves just when you need it.
