Kezzertrude rides the magic roundabout again!

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Oh Debs you have a lot to answer for girl!!!!Well tomorrow is chemo two day, I hope to get a PICC line put in, if I walk onto the ward tomorrow and they have put up a life size target on one of the doors, I shall know it's there for me!!!!! Spot the vein! UMPH! Henry my stoma is working very well now after being blasted by a Vindaloo, so that as helped with the sicky feeling I have constantly. I can't swing from any chandeliers now, being upside down or even bending over is a no no, I can't throw up because of the chemo tablet I have each morning, that will mess up my treatment and that will never do! The worst thing for me so far is that I can't have my two buckets of tea in the morning, milk and I have fallen out, so it is herbal teas for me at the moment. My energy levels are dropping but luckily this time around I can get myself up and about and do bits and pieces and enjoy the glorious sunshine! Love and hugs to those that want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    hey carol , have you tried green tea, ju swore by it when even looking at tea made him heave , bless him ,and its good for you ,lol, lots of love and hugs , i am thinking of you :)) jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey my lovely Jenni, I have tried green tea but I love my normal tea but never mind hun! Thinking of you Carol x

  • FormerMember

    He he Carol, glad to be of service (what that service is has yet to be labelled....but do I get a tip LOL).

    I went off hot drinks entirely during each chemo cycle and like you I drink far too much tea with milk (purple milk from Tesco's with the lowest fat content now) all I managed was carbonated water or ginger beer.  Which made me produce burps to rival a rugby team - usually at the most inappropriate time!

    I now try and drink some green tea's in between my copious cups of normal tea.  It has to be green tea with lemon or goji berry and the latest is green tea with vanilla, my sister got some from Lidl of all places, 75p a box and I really like it!!!!  Saves me spending £3 in the health food shop for the goji berry one!

    Perhaps you should have had a dartboard tattoo'd on your arm for vein least you could have had a laugh calling out the score each nurse got and kept your mental faculties on top form adding up :)

    Much love & strength for this round Kezzertrude.


    Debedee xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope all goes well for you tomorrow Carol. Thinking of you XXX

    PS Have you tried lemon tea with ginger? I think it might be Twinings who do a version.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol.  I read your blogs regularly and am inspired by your positivity and crazy sense of humour in the face of adversity.  Your blogs are like a breath of fresh air.  Hope it goes well tomorrow.  Caroline XX