Kezzertrude rides the magic roundabout again!

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Oh Debs you have a lot to answer for girl!!!!Well tomorrow is chemo two day, I hope to get a PICC line put in, if I walk onto the ward tomorrow and they have put up a life size target on one of the doors, I shall know it's there for me!!!!! Spot the vein! UMPH! Henry my stoma is working very well now after being blasted by a Vindaloo, so that as helped with the sicky feeling I have constantly. I can't swing from any chandeliers now, being upside down or even bending over is a no no, I can't throw up because of the chemo tablet I have each morning, that will mess up my treatment and that will never do! The worst thing for me so far is that I can't have my two buckets of tea in the morning, milk and I have fallen out, so it is herbal teas for me at the moment. My energy levels are dropping but luckily this time around I can get myself up and about and do bits and pieces and enjoy the glorious sunshine! Love and hugs to those that want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    I have drunk green tea for years - I even have ordinary tea without milk but I do have buckets of it. I have got a two pint mug that Eleanor bought me which says "Grandpa knows best" and I do actually. Here's to you and your PICC line and here's to me and my (half full) glass when I drink a toast tou you and all of us tonight. There is a tea shop in Bruges that sells over 1000 different belnds of tea and my mate Eric goes there several times a year so I am always kept topped up. I went in there and said that I had bought some green Japanese tea with lemon and could I have some more. He said that he had 57 Japanese teas with lemon - which one? We had been to Amsterdam as well and I told Irene about the "coffee shops" where they sell marryjoobananas and magic mushrooms and she thought my Japanese green tea was some of that there exotic tropical herbage! Good luck for tomorrow although I feel that in your case luck doesn't come into it. I met an old negro when I was at radiotherapy and told him to be lucky and he said "You makes your own luck" and I think YOU do.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Carol, All the best as always my 'andsome!!

    Tony xx

  • FormerMember

    I am in tonight having fluids, they didn't know about the PICC line on the ward so I shall be sinking my teeth into my Oncs butt when I see him Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! They really should know me by now, so I am having scampi and chips for my tea,then going to hospital for a game of darts (me being the board!!!!!) and on the mens ward (I,m not proud) and chemo tomorrow and will be thrown off the ward in the afternoon (it is a good job that it is on the ground floor!!!!) For Drew...... I do make my own luck, it is others who push their luck with me (Growl again!)

  • FormerMember

    Well I wish you good luck for tomorrow Carol. Funny how we all go off tea. I wonder why? Has anyone got any ideas? I never knew what to drink, what was in after one treatment I went off by the next. I wasn't able to have cold drinks, it was awful as my favourite drink is ice cold water from the tap. Well fortunately it is all over now. Again best wishes for tomorrow Carol. Lots of love Julie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Keep on writing Kezzer you are an inspration to us all. Will be think of you. Rosie