
1 minute read time.

Hello all my lovely friends out there in MacLand. Now you would think that the bird would be over the moon with yesterdays results, wouldn't you? My old body basically is building up calcium that are sticking to my tumours and trying to kill the little buggers and trying to heal itself. Sounds amazing and if that is the case and I should be given the status of Saint Kezzerbird..the ultimate calcium cancer muncher, where we all have a day off  to sit around a eat cream cakes and smile for one day a year!!!! ( Not a such a bad idea....the cream cakes that is!!!!) What I want to know is, has anyone on here ever heard of what is going on with me and my calcium? I am waiting on the report of the scan so I can study it myself and see it there in black and white. It is all very odd to me, but then again I too am very odd, but you all know that already!!!! Oh and talking about odd things I shall try and put a picture of little Gismo on here, my cockatiel chick with a serious attitude problem. Love and hugs to those who want them as always...Carol x

  • Hi Carol, I have heard of this happening, a colleague's partner had a very rare cancer in his inner ear area and was given 3 months, he had an op, radiotherapy and I think chemo as well and his what ever was left or regrew calcified over a period of time and at one point was told he was cancer free, he lived for nearly 6 years and it was pnumonia that got him in the end. His GP always said he was a living miracle, bit like you.

    So as you are very rare, there being only one KB, then why should this not happen to your tumour.

    Here's hoping you can get your head around it and your onc is able to answer your questions.

    Now who was getting the cream cakes in, though I was trying to lose weight still what's one little cake or 2 amongst friends.

    best wishes


  • FormerMember

    OK does this mean, if I supply the cream cakes I get my Saint hood then LOL. Saint Carol has got to be better than God, People see me coming and say 'Oh God, here she comes' LOL xx