
1 minute read time.

Hello all my lovely friends out there in MacLand. Now you would think that the bird would be over the moon with yesterdays results, wouldn't you? My old body basically is building up calcium that are sticking to my tumours and trying to kill the little buggers and trying to heal itself. Sounds amazing and if that is the case and I should be given the status of Saint Kezzerbird..the ultimate calcium cancer muncher, where we all have a day off  to sit around a eat cream cakes and smile for one day a year!!!! ( Not a such a bad idea....the cream cakes that is!!!!) What I want to know is, has anyone on here ever heard of what is going on with me and my calcium? I am waiting on the report of the scan so I can study it myself and see it there in black and white. It is all very odd to me, but then again I too am very odd, but you all know that already!!!! Oh and talking about odd things I shall try and put a picture of little Gismo on here, my cockatiel chick with a serious attitude problem. Love and hugs to those who want them as always...Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

                  Like the idea of St Kezzerbird day, cream cakes and lots of smiles sound good to me. I have heard of calcification of tumours as being the body's response to being attacked by the disease and the chemo over time. I would like to think that the calcification would then limit any growth but check that with your doctor (if he is not working at Tesco's by now!). The main thing is that your body is in major fighting mode and that is cause for celebration.

                  Absolutely love little Gismo. Looking at that little face must mean you start every day with a smile.

                    As always, lots of love and hugs,

                                              lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Carol, is this good news? I hope so.  Anyway, us all being  unique and strange in our own   way which is why oncos. never really tell us straight because they don;t know, you my girl seem to be healing yourself!  Yes, miracles do happen so don't worry just be happy!  Your determination is what is your best armour here - its amazing what we mere humans are capable of.  I sincerely hope this is good news.  Apart from that gizmo looks dodgy and has a face only his mother could love right now.  Maybe he'll love you in return soon!   God bless, take care Ann

  • Dear Kezzer,

    I was thrilled when I read your news.  You've got real hope of remission now.  If you go onto the site for the OCNA (US) you'll see that lots of women get into remission several times and there are new drugs coming along like avastin that might help us all.  I've heard of tumours dying and leaving scar tissue before, I hope that's the way you're going.

    Congratulations and hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Dear Carol, I do hope this is good news for you. The human body is amazing, just like you. Take care, Val X

    PS Bless him, Gizmo is enough to scare anyone at present - take him to see your Onc next time!

  • FormerMember

    You are amazing and doesn't that prove it. Your body is fighting your tumours, they are kicking ass too.

    Gismo scares me but I bet he will be like the ugly duckling and grow to be beautiful.

    Lots of Love Julie X