
1 minute read time.

Hello all my lovely friends out there in MacLand. Now you would think that the bird would be over the moon with yesterdays results, wouldn't you? My old body basically is building up calcium that are sticking to my tumours and trying to kill the little buggers and trying to heal itself. Sounds amazing and if that is the case and I should be given the status of Saint Kezzerbird..the ultimate calcium cancer muncher, where we all have a day off  to sit around a eat cream cakes and smile for one day a year!!!! ( Not a such a bad idea....the cream cakes that is!!!!) What I want to know is, has anyone on here ever heard of what is going on with me and my calcium? I am waiting on the report of the scan so I can study it myself and see it there in black and white. It is all very odd to me, but then again I too am very odd, but you all know that already!!!! Oh and talking about odd things I shall try and put a picture of little Gismo on here, my cockatiel chick with a serious attitude problem. Love and hugs to those who want them as always...Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Just saw Mike my Mac nurse, he has never heard of calcium attacking tumours but said that if my onc said this then that is what is happening and he will check the report and I should get a copy too. So St Kezzerbird LOL is going to have to celebrate after all!!!!!! Love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    hi carol - i love the idea of a saint kezzerbird day (especially involving cream cakes!) , it would be compulsory to smile/laugh all day lol

    your body certainly sounds like its fighting back even stronger than usual ... go for it i'm guessing the more calcifying goes on the better! love and hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Gismo - a bird with attitude and so young. Where has that come from I wonder? Saint Kezzerbird? Nah I'd rather have a Sinner Kezzerbabe! Sounds like the cream cakes which are full of calcium has done the trick. I can see the headlines now - "crazy Cornwall Chick beats the Big C with a cream cake diet!" shock horror. Beats the Sport's Spitfire found on the Moon!  We'll all get cured but weigh thirty stones each! Which would be ten stones over what I weigh now! Well there's always a payback somewhere. So keep up the good work.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    I am with Drew, while I am all for having a national day where we eat cream cakes (and dont gain weight would be good) I think calling it Saint is pushing it WAY TOO FAR lol

    Maybe it should an Attitude day cos not only have you got it, but so have your pets.  Gismo is looking a lil less ugly now :)

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    I have a funny feeling Lizzie was in the medical profession at some time sounds like she knows what shes talking about..

    Take cre and be safe Big Hugs Love