Kezzerbird....the boss, flowers and the scan!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Blimey,,two blogs in one day...shocking. A white van pulled up outside my house and a very nice young man got me to sign for a huge bunch of flowers. Totally baffled, I pulled open the large box which contained the most beautiful array of colour and a card which read....Carol just a little something to hopefully make you feel a little better and just to let you know we are all thinking of you. Hang on in there! from all at the eclipse xxx     The Eclipse is the nightclub where I am head bouncer and my boss Colette is one amazing friend, very thoughtful and very caring and she and Roger, who own the club have been incredible to me, they have stood by me for two and a half years when I first was diagnosed and even though I only managed to get back to work for 5 months before the cancer returned, their attitude was 'Get well and get back to work, no one will have your job' They know that my outcome isn't good but that doesn't matter to them, what amazing people they are. WOW! Found out today from my Mac nurse Mike that my CT scan hasn't even been booked, I was told I would have 2 weeks rest then a scan to see what was going on yet again and in 2008 the same thing happend to me, no scan was booked and I ended up with 5 cancers to fight and it almost cost me my life, they know I have aggresive cancer, Mike will be sorting it out on Monday for me, he couldn't get hold of anyone today. I don't know guys...what does the bird have to do to be heard...sue the bloody hospital...answers on a post card please. Love and hugs to those who want them......Carol The Vindaloo seems to be working Kezzerbird xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

                 Really happy that you received some lovely flowers from your boss, but really angry that the hospital are messing you about yet again!  Hope it gets sorted quickly.

                Take care,

                      Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    What a lovely touch from your bosses.

    I agree sueing the hospital sounds like a good idea. Mentioning this might get their asses into gear.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    \glad you had some lovely flowers.

    I so feel angry at the hospital you attend as i have said before my daughter has been badly let down like you with her fight against her cancer somebody really neds to sort the hospital out.

    Take care

    Maureen xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol you deserve the flowers. Go to the local paper and tell them how lacksidaisical ( Whoops don't think thats right) your hospital is when it comes to cancer care. That usually gets their butts into gear. Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    just read  your blog, and think it amazing you have such a good boss to work for, well done them.

    Not funny on the scan, waiting is so hard its not fair.  If you feel up to it, I would suggest you make a noise i.e.  E-mail the Prime Minister about it, then to the secretary of health followed by your Local Health dept and GP oh and of course the Hospital concerned.  It is amazing how a bit of pushing away gets results.  Been there and pushed and pushed, once they saw that the e-mail was headed to PM and they had a cc then they had to respond. amazing what was achieved.  Its worth a try

    Good luck, have always thought you one plucky lady.  Jan xx