Kezzerbird....the boss, flowers and the scan!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Blimey,,two blogs in one day...shocking. A white van pulled up outside my house and a very nice young man got me to sign for a huge bunch of flowers. Totally baffled, I pulled open the large box which contained the most beautiful array of colour and a card which read....Carol just a little something to hopefully make you feel a little better and just to let you know we are all thinking of you. Hang on in there! from all at the eclipse xxx     The Eclipse is the nightclub where I am head bouncer and my boss Colette is one amazing friend, very thoughtful and very caring and she and Roger, who own the club have been incredible to me, they have stood by me for two and a half years when I first was diagnosed and even though I only managed to get back to work for 5 months before the cancer returned, their attitude was 'Get well and get back to work, no one will have your job' They know that my outcome isn't good but that doesn't matter to them, what amazing people they are. WOW! Found out today from my Mac nurse Mike that my CT scan hasn't even been booked, I was told I would have 2 weeks rest then a scan to see what was going on yet again and in 2008 the same thing happend to me, no scan was booked and I ended up with 5 cancers to fight and it almost cost me my life, they know I have aggresive cancer, Mike will be sorting it out on Monday for me, he couldn't get hold of anyone today. I don't know guys...what does the bird have to do to be heard...sue the bloody hospital...answers on a post card please. Love and hugs to those who want them......Carol The Vindaloo seems to be working Kezzerbird xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol it sounds like you have the most fantastic boss, I havent been to a nightclub in a very long time but I think I would like to come and shake my booty at the Eclipse!

    Now, once again i am so angry on your behalf at the errors that keep on occuring to do with your treatment - hope Mike can get it sorted quickly for you, jeez its so frustrating. Clare x

    ps - i'm a bit of a lightweight on the curry front - can just about tolerate a Dhansak, but I'm glad your vindaloo is doing the trick

  • FormerMember

    Hey Kez,

    I'm glad the vindaloo's working and relieved that I'm not one of your neighbours!

    Your bosses do sound like sweethearts, it's nice to know that there are some compassionate people in this world, all to often we hear tales of bosses who just don't care.

    Hope Mike sorts everything out for you on Monday!

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    Is the vindaloo as hot coming out as it is going in? least it's given your stoma a kick start.

    How lovely to have flowers from your boss. Just shows how much you're appreciated and missed.

    Fingers crossed Mike will get you sorted, but what a mess (very nearly used a naughty word then). It's a shame you have to chase every little flowers for them me thinks!!

    Take care Carol

    Angela xx

  • FormerMember

    lovely to the flowers........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to the hospital.

    Nuff said.  Love ya

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello sweet,sorry you still feel so rotten. Hope you start to feel better soon,

    As for the hospital suing sounds like a bloody good idea.

    Love and hugs as always.

    Vee xx