Kezzerbird....That will teach me for being too well!!!!

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i want my immune system back!!!!! Getting a simple cold is not a good idea when your immune system isn't there, normally you sneeze, cough and fart and just get on with things but ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel rough as a badger flea ridden bum and of course my medical team started to panic, give her antibiotics and get urgent bloods done NOW!!!!! I have only got a cold for heavens sake!!!!!! I have been eating my  red hot vindaloos, kill or cure, me thinks. Couldn't have my chemo, so I am cheesed right off, I am not having much luck with my treatment this time but I am still taking my chemo tablets, so today after having a red hot bath ( my old man always threatens to peel and dice some veg for my baths!!!!) I am going to pull my finger out and get on with the things I have to do today and not stay in bed, I can't be doing with this, immune system or not. Yep mind over matter day today (I hope  it works guys, I mind and it matters HE he!) Love and hugs to those that want them.....Carol x

  • 'Feed a cold and starve a fever'... but vindaloo? You must have a cast-iron constitution. Cuddle up under the duvet and get someone to peel you a grape.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, Sorry to hear you have been poorly. I have some sympathy as, though not thankfully on chemo, I have the most horrendous cold and have spent the last two days in bed, couldn't even be bothered to try the hot bath!!!  I,ve always had a penchant for colds, but managed to get through chemo without contracting any. But the two I have had since then! Hope you beat the little blighter...and I do agree with Tony about the hot toddy..... have enough of them and you cease to care about the cold


  • FormerMember

    A KORMA JUDI..what is that gonna do, nowt thats what (he he!) Right so the bird will have a ultra hot vindaloo and sink a bottle of brandy....So I will say good bye to this weekend because I shall be full of curry and to p****d to care (Right on Bird) XXXXX

  • FormerMember

    sounds like good medication to me Carol ;o)  You take care and i wish you better soon..(((hugs)))love scarlet xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ditto the vindaloo and brandy that'll be me tonight always good medicine!!!

    Hope you feel well soon, bloody colds!!!

    Love  Alex xxx