Kezzerbird....That will teach me for being too well!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

i want my immune system back!!!!! Getting a simple cold is not a good idea when your immune system isn't there, normally you sneeze, cough and fart and just get on with things but ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel rough as a badger flea ridden bum and of course my medical team started to panic, give her antibiotics and get urgent bloods done NOW!!!!! I have only got a cold for heavens sake!!!!!! I have been eating my  red hot vindaloos, kill or cure, me thinks. Couldn't have my chemo, so I am cheesed right off, I am not having much luck with my treatment this time but I am still taking my chemo tablets, so today after having a red hot bath ( my old man always threatens to peel and dice some veg for my baths!!!!) I am going to pull my finger out and get on with the things I have to do today and not stay in bed, I can't be doing with this, immune system or not. Yep mind over matter day today (I hope  it works guys, I mind and it matters HE he!) Love and hugs to those that want them.....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carol, my hubby is going through chemo at the moment and he is so tired - I mean the only time he has been out for over a week was to vote and he nearly didnt make it. As you have been through this before I guess you know what to expect - good thing you are eating as food is fuel as they say. Perhaps if you get some things done and then go for a nap so at least you will feel you have achieved something. Sending you hugs and cyber support x

    Clare x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Clare.....Some chemos can knock you off you feet so hubby should listen to his body and rest. My chemo hasn't made me feel tired this time, you wouldn't think a simple cold can put you on your bum!!!! You both take Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol.

                  Those cold germs came to the wrong person if they think they can keep you down for long. Feed a cold they say, or in your case blast it with curry! So sorry you couldn't have chemo but sure it's only a temporary setback. Hope you feel much better really soon,thinking of you, love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning hun

    I have a sniffle too .... does a Korma have the same affect????? Not too sure about your Vindaloos!

    Seriously, hope that you kick the cold in to touch BE KIND TO YOURSELF!  

    Judi xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, sorry to hear you have been poorly, hot toddy with honey and lemon, and single malt works wonders my 'andsome!!

    take care of yourself

    Tony xx