Kezzerbird says thanks x

1 minute read time.

Wow you guys what can I say to you all for your fantastic support. It is time for me to blow some sunshine up some butts. I haven't cried because I can't yet, I knew the cancer would return but this time at the moment I have only one to fight, not five like last time! I know I can do it because I am not going anywhere yet until I am ready. Having support even from amazing people who have recently lost there loved ones just blew me away, you guys are incredible. Just remember that no matter how bad it gets I will be there for you all when you need me and I still mean every word that I have said about having that glass half full and we fight this together, have done for the last two years and will carry  on doing so. I give you all the love I have and thank you for being there. Blimey guys, the Kezzerbird is tearing up ( I will go now and slap myself!!!) Right where did I put those boxing gloves? I am not happy about giving up everything I fought so hard for, but hey I can get it back Carol The Boxing Kezzerbird XXXX
