way or another

1 minute read time.

I have been a little on the quiet side after the news from my last scan,I have popped on the site and let a few comments but of late there as been so much sad news that I needed a short break to get my head around some things. I think the old bird let some depression creep into her life and I don't do that. I have been ticking along as usual and being told that my body was trying to heal itself and making extra calcium which was attacking my many small tumours did my head in, this news was the only bit of hope I have ever been given, did I jump for joy, no I went the other way. I am so weird!!!! So I have had time to chew things over and I am just going to carry on as before, fighting like a crazy woman and just go with the flow and start laughing again. I start another 6 lots of chemo next month, so we shall have to wait and see how that goes, bring it on says I !!!!!! and hopefully I shall start doing my usual amusing blogs. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    HI Carol yes good news do's make us feel down maybe it's because we can't believe it. I felt like that when I was told I was all clear. I felt sooooo depressed for ages.

    Carol don't be so hard on yourself you have a right to be down when it happens. Luckily we have each other on here to help bring us back up. Take care dear friend Lots of Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    carol you have every 'right' to have down days too, and when you do it's up to us to try and lift your spirits like you do for us.....

    us biker girls have spirit and determination (even if my bike is pink lol), lots of love and hugs sue xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, it`s good to accept that we can all get really down at times.  You are such a tonic to lots of people - let`s hope that all your friends in macland can return the favour and get you back up on top again.Take care, love and my very best wishes, Heather x

  • FormerMember

    Corol and Debs,

    You two have no idea how much you lift my spirits especially after this week. Its like Laurel and Hardy

    are back from the dead. I have been sitting here reading the banter between you to and its the best treatment and lift I have had in months.

    Take care and stay safe Big Hugs Love Jackie,Angela and Meggie.xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Even super heros have human moments, so sorry to hear you've been down, hits the best of us right out of the blue!! small steps is the way forward, sending you lots of love chin up chuck,  Alex xxxxx :-)