way or another

1 minute read time.

I have been a little on the quiet side after the news from my last scan,I have popped on the site and let a few comments but of late there as been so much sad news that I needed a short break to get my head around some things. I think the old bird let some depression creep into her life and I don't do that. I have been ticking along as usual and being told that my body was trying to heal itself and making extra calcium which was attacking my many small tumours did my head in, this news was the only bit of hope I have ever been given, did I jump for joy, no I went the other way. I am so weird!!!! So I have had time to chew things over and I am just going to carry on as before, fighting like a crazy woman and just go with the flow and start laughing again. I start another 6 lots of chemo next month, so we shall have to wait and see how that goes, bring it on says I !!!!!! and hopefully I shall start doing my usual amusing blogs. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Hope you are soon on the way up in mood. xxx

    Just a thought .............If calcium attacks the tumour - why are we not told to have increased dairy products.  .........

    Big hug,

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    That fighting spirit will never leave you Carol.

    When you feel down we will pick you up - either that or Debs will be around with her big size ?s!

    I think the first option is preferable!

    All our love, strength & positivity to our fighting bird!

    Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    If our Debs tried to kick me up the arse she would never be seen again, she as little feet, not that I have a big butt or anything!!!!!!! I am off narrow boating again the first two weeks of October,oh i can't wait and some how I am going to the Leicester do at the end of next month, so that new chemo had better be kind to me but do the job it is supposed to do. I am doing something for myself today, I am de-fleaing my bloody house!!!! Summit the crazy dog with sensitive skin brought some little mates home with her and because of her skin I can't use flea spray, she isn't very happy with me because I shaved her!!!!! She should be thankful I didn't get the Immac out instead. Love to all x

  • FormerMember

    hello carol ,not like you to be down, but as usual you will be back picking everyone else up, and making us smile ,

    im sending you a huge hug and some fighting spirit to be getting on with , take care love jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Carol,

    What complicated creatures we are,bad news makes us want to fight, and good news strange as it is makes us feel down. Why! I don't know but I do know you won't stop fighting for long so welcome back.

    I knew the sun had disapeared and now I know why, welcome back sunshine we missed you.

    Love and big hugs.