Kezzerbird.....not letting go this time

1 minute read time.

I have a date for this vital scan that was forgotten about to see if the last cycle of chemo has worked or not. I had not heard a thing from the hospital so I got on to them and as usual it was an answering machine, I did get a call back and the scan is booked for the 7th and an appointment to see the consultant on the 8th. I am going to follow the complaints route via ICAS and involve PALS and anyone else I can think off, I am sick and tired of chasing a bunch of bastards who are playing games with my life and this has got to stop, not just for me but for others people who are dying when they don't have too, enough is enough. I told the hospital that I wasn't going to be waiting weeks for a scan, not a chance and I am not waiting weeks for the results either, I was told it would be read the same day and the consultantant will have the results (I will believe it when I see it) so it is time for action and letters to be written, if you guys can come up with ideas for me, that would be great. I think my case will end up being in the public eye very shortly. We should be fighting cancer and not fighting to get the treatment we deserve also, some one has to stand up and say  THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Love and hugs to all who want them..lCarol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Why don't you let ovacome have your details, and get them on board,  with all the publicity they are getting at the moment.  They want patients stories.  I'm sure your hospital would shift if you were interviewed by someone!

    But meanwhile keep kicking arse...

    Good luck


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Its about time these people realize that they are dealing with Human beings not .Hospital Numbers or pieces of paper, or Records but with peoples lives. Cancer Patients that put their trust in these Medical peoples hands. Not to be pushed aside. With comments like we have lost your records,scans any Bloody excuse to palm you off.

    Well your right Carol enough is enough. If we dont do something about it,and thats what they think.

    If they ramble on long enough they will get fed up

    and stop complaining. Well we shall see, if you push People who,s lives are at stake. They will soon find out we can be The Biggest Pain in the ARSE they have had to deal with. Those who fight together win together.

    Sarsfield.  Time to fight back. we and some more than most have had enough SHIT to put up with.

    they have ever set eyes on.!!!!!!

    people Like us on this site far enough

  • FormerMember

    At the start of the what now community website it says that we support each other, and so we should. I will do whatever you want - if you want to publish a name and address then I will write to them and tell them about the marvellous treatment I have had in Nottingham and why can't they do the same? Alternatively if you want to private message a name and address I will draft a letter for you to look at before I send it. (Unfortuntely some of my letters have been seen as a declaration of war in the past)

    My mother who had terminal breast cancer had a lot of problems until my father went to the hospital and told the consultant face to face that if he EVER treated my mother like he had in a consultation again then he would punch his lights out. A short arsed Jock with his hackles raised seemed to do the trick!

    Fortunatley we don't have to do the same, do  we? We are reasonable people, aren't we? We are not demented, psychotic, deranged, drugged up, chemo brained, frantic with worry,  patients with an illness that gives us a propensity towards physical violence, are we? Of course not. Bollocks to the leaflet campaign. Let's bomb the bastards!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi kezzer

    Let's hope the hospital realise they are messing with the wrong person soon!

    So sorry you've had all these problems.  It's the last thing a cancer patient needs.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for the scan AND that the results are through and GOOD the following day.

    Love and *hugs*

    Marjorie x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    Our lives should not be subjected to this lottery type system of care,  we all live in the same bloody country and should get the same level of care and consideration.  Will help anyway I can if you need it!

    Love to you

    Alex xxx