Kezzerbird.....not letting go this time

1 minute read time.

I have a date for this vital scan that was forgotten about to see if the last cycle of chemo has worked or not. I had not heard a thing from the hospital so I got on to them and as usual it was an answering machine, I did get a call back and the scan is booked for the 7th and an appointment to see the consultant on the 8th. I am going to follow the complaints route via ICAS and involve PALS and anyone else I can think off, I am sick and tired of chasing a bunch of bastards who are playing games with my life and this has got to stop, not just for me but for others people who are dying when they don't have too, enough is enough. I told the hospital that I wasn't going to be waiting weeks for a scan, not a chance and I am not waiting weeks for the results either, I was told it would be read the same day and the consultantant will have the results (I will believe it when I see it) so it is time for action and letters to be written, if you guys can come up with ideas for me, that would be great. I think my case will end up being in the public eye very shortly. We should be fighting cancer and not fighting to get the treatment we deserve also, some one has to stand up and say  THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Love and hugs to all who want them..lCarol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol- I am the mother of Creative 01(Judith). Can I email you privately?


  • FormerMember

    Well cant beleive what your having to go through, you have enough to fight, but dont let them get away with it kick asssssssss in the only way you know how. Take care xx So unfair for you,

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,  tell it like it is, don't mince your words (as if you would!) and go for the jugular!!

    If you can think of anything that I can do to help you only have to ask. I'm sure there will be many here that will say the same.

    Glad to see that Kezzerbird spirit resurfacing!

    Bad Fairy xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol - I get so angry when I hear how some patients are treated.  I'm under a Dr at St Bart's in London, and he told me that scan results are posted on the central computer system within about 2 hours of having the scan (non-emergency scans of course).  When my son had a scan last Oct, he didn't have a consultation appt afterwards, and no-one rang us with the result.  It took us 2 weeks to get hold of someone to tell us the result. When I saw my Prof after that I told him that should never happen, and he said I could always e-mail him. He's great, but I've also seen some real a**eholes. I know I keep saying it, but he who shouts loudest gets heard. And I know a lot of the doctors don't like me very much. But you know what? I'm not there to win popularity contests. I admire you so much, as I'm sure lots of people on this site do. Just be firm and refuse to move until you have answers. I wish you the very best of luck Carol.   Jeanie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, as you say it is not acceptable the way you and others are treated, we should not have to fight for something that should given to all who need it.

    I wish you all the very best and if I can do anything to help I will, you know you can contact me whenever you want.

    I'm sad to say that I will probably be following down the same route.

    Love Vee. xx