daughter broke down and cried

1 minute read time.

I have the most loving and big hearted daughter on the planet, her name is Toni and she has given me three beautiful grand-daughters, all of whom I saw into the world. She turned up yesterday to see me and it is all getting a little bit much for her, trying to stay strong and watching what is going on with me and she broke down. Just for a moment I wasn't holding my 30 year old daughter in my arms, I was holding my little girl again and it broke my heart. We have always been close and we have talked openly about my cancer and the outcome and I am sorting out my will and it is too much for her, she needed to cry and maybe I did too.'Mum you are my world' those words cut deep, I would never choose to cause her this much pain. I made my daughter a promise and it is one I will not break, I told her that I will fight this with every thing I have inside of me, I can't do more than that. How blessed I am to be loved that much by my child. Love and hugs to those who want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Don't know what to say, except,  keep fighting for your lovely family Carol.

    Angela xx

  • Loving people and having people love us is a bittersweet affair but of course you didn,t want to cause Toni that much pain it is only there because of the deep love she has for you and you for her. I so understand what you are saying and would say  to you if the tables were reversed would you have said that she had "caused you pain" no I'm sure you wouldn't.What a testament to the strong bond that you have together . My heart goes out to you both and I am sure that you will be there for each other - for a long time .

    Cathie - with love x

  • FormerMember

    dear kezz - you have never caused anyone any pain (well prob have .....but ....only on the door!)

    your daughter loves you so much because you have done the opposite are the best mum in the world ( well 2nd best ...theres me ooooops n debs !!!!)

    seriously thats why we all hurt soooo sooo much

    my son hasnt caused me any grief or pain or worry

    but cancer has - and will continue to worry me -

    because we love and care for each other so much it hurts when they/you hurt .......... but i wouldnt swap my boy for ANYTHING as your daughter wouldnt swap you

    keep hugging each other / cry laugh together and above all keep loving each other

    (((((HUGS)))))) for you and toni xoxoxox

  • FormerMember

    oh carol ,broke my heart reading that ,just brings all that pain back , and the tears ,

    but just think ,she loves you so dearly,you are both so lucky ,to have that love , and as my children do now,they tell me how much their dad loved them and they really feel that in bottom of their hearts(their  words)

    oh dear i havent explained that very well carol but hope you know what im trying to say , massive hugs for you both xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Carol my love you made tears come to my old eyes,you are lucky to have such a daughter, I haven,t seen either of my two since being DX in 2006, they can go to Spain and America but it seems too far for them to come to Scotland!! can,t remember the last time they phoned me either. Luckily I have Maureen my rock!!