daughter broke down and cried

1 minute read time.

I have the most loving and big hearted daughter on the planet, her name is Toni and she has given me three beautiful grand-daughters, all of whom I saw into the world. She turned up yesterday to see me and it is all getting a little bit much for her, trying to stay strong and watching what is going on with me and she broke down. Just for a moment I wasn't holding my 30 year old daughter in my arms, I was holding my little girl again and it broke my heart. We have always been close and we have talked openly about my cancer and the outcome and I am sorting out my will and it is too much for her, she needed to cry and maybe I did too.'Mum you are my world' those words cut deep, I would never choose to cause her this much pain. I made my daughter a promise and it is one I will not break, I told her that I will fight this with every thing I have inside of me, I can't do more than that. How blessed I am to be loved that much by my child. Love and hugs to those who want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Awwww Carol, how totally lovely and at the same time it shows the devastation that bloody cancer causes throughout families.

    We all know that you will fight till the last and so does your daughter, but I guess it really doesn't make it any easier on her.

    I hope the 'eye leakage' time did you both good and to me it sounds like you have even more determination to kick its ass AGAIN!

    Love ya

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    OH YES!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol how wonderful your daughter is. I hope that you don't leave her or us for a very very long time to come. We all love you and need your strength and determination to spur us all on.

    You are such an unselfish lady, wishing us all well when you have this huge battle to win.

    We are all behind you Carol. Love to you and to your amazing baby girl.

    All my Love Julie X

  • Oh Carol it is so difficult to have to watch our families come to terms with all this and yet I say we are lucky (is that the right word) because we can sort so much out and put our lives in order and be able to tell our families how much we love them --does that sound silly only someone who has a heart attack or a car crash doesnt get that opportunity.

    Any way dry those tears and have a good cuddle together and lets all keep fighting.

    Love mavis

  • FormerMember

    Just throwing the encouragement back at ya. The worst bit about this cancer was telling my kids but they are able to support me so I am glad I did but the pain is clear on their faces and that hurts doesn't it?

    Love Jen Xx