daughter broke down and cried

1 minute read time.

I have the most loving and big hearted daughter on the planet, her name is Toni and she has given me three beautiful grand-daughters, all of whom I saw into the world. She turned up yesterday to see me and it is all getting a little bit much for her, trying to stay strong and watching what is going on with me and she broke down. Just for a moment I wasn't holding my 30 year old daughter in my arms, I was holding my little girl again and it broke my heart. We have always been close and we have talked openly about my cancer and the outcome and I am sorting out my will and it is too much for her, she needed to cry and maybe I did too.'Mum you are my world' those words cut deep, I would never choose to cause her this much pain. I made my daughter a promise and it is one I will not break, I told her that I will fight this with every thing I have inside of me, I can't do more than that. How blessed I am to be loved that much by my child. Love and hugs to those who want Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Yes Jen it does hurt, that is why we have to carry on Carol x

  • FormerMember

    ((((Carol)))) love to you and Toni..she is lovely..just like her mum..

    love scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    really feel for you xx my daughter also broke down at the thought of losing her dad (they are so close ) and like me you dont want them to hurt, but i am sure that it helps that you are so close that you can be there for each other  xxx

  • FormerMember

    like you my daughter and i have shed many tears together, my daughter is called jodie and is expecting my first grandchild in october - she fell pregnant 2 months after my diagnosis, i feel so lucky to know that i WILL BE a grandma, i refuse to let the cancer take that opportunty away from me. keep up that fight carol love and lots of hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Carol, G and i know only too well the pain this b------d illness causes to families. .    Our daugthers are being so brave, and our grandchildren are a constant  delight. My heart goes out to  you and your daughter Hope by now you have had your scan, I have everything crossed for your results.  you are one brave lady.

    Daffie xxx