Kezzerbird....Kev and Charlotte (warning spider pic inc!!)

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Right guys...seeing that our nutty Debs is out having her birthday treats I am putting a picture of Charlotte my tarantula on this blog. Yesterday was Kevs 49th birthday and he decided to get rid of his real terror of spiders by picking her up. Just so you guys who want to look, Charlotte is the one with 8 eyes and 8 hairy legs, Kev is the one with 4 eyes and 2 hairy legs!!!!!!!!!!LOL.....Love and hugs to those who want them as always....Carol xxxx

My beautiful Charlotte

  • FormerMember

    Me again Carol! Forgot to ask , is there any chance of a pic of Monty cos I love snakes?

                   Lots of love,

                          lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, on page 6 on my photos, there is a picture of Monty my python already, take a look hun xx

  • FormerMember

    Oooo errrrrr, I'm glad Charlotte is in a picture. Don't think I could be as brave as Kev.......well done Kev.  Promise me you're not bringing her (or Monty) to Leicester!!

    Ange xx

  • FormerMember

    Ange the idea of me going to Leicester Is to see you guys face to face and not the back of your heads as you are running away!!!!!!!! xLOL

  • FormerMember

    Charlotte looks quite nice as a picture, but I'm not sure I could hold her - so well done to Kev. Saw the pics of Gizmo and he looks really sweet. Hope you're not wearing yourself out too much looking after all the pets. Love Val X