Kezzerbird....Kev and Charlotte (warning spider pic inc!!)

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Right guys...seeing that our nutty Debs is out having her birthday treats I am putting a picture of Charlotte my tarantula on this blog. Yesterday was Kevs 49th birthday and he decided to get rid of his real terror of spiders by picking her up. Just so you guys who want to look, Charlotte is the one with 8 eyes and 8 hairy legs, Kev is the one with 4 eyes and 2 hairy legs!!!!!!!!!!LOL.....Love and hugs to those who want them as always....Carol xxxx

My beautiful Charlotte

  • FormerMember

    Hats of to you Kev - don't think I could do that ...... unless of course it was a choice between that and feeling the wrath of Kezzer!

    With you hun.  Judi xx

  • FormerMember

    Exactly Judi, all I need to do now is get him to hold me LOL, hope you are alright my lovely, think about you often xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!! lol.... i dont like spiders or anything creepy crawly that runs fast! but i had to look lol... but wow, kev is brave. i wouldnt be within a mile of ur house if i knew it  wasnt in its home lol xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember doesn't always pay to be curious sweetie LOL xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for posting the pics of Kev and Charlotte. I am not a lover of spiders but have to say that she looks pretty amazing, such a lovely colour. The tarantulas I have seen before were much darker (and scarier!).Kev looks very calm, even the hint of a smile so well done mate.

               As always lots of love to you Carol,

                         Take care,

                               lizzie xx