Kezzerbird....It was 4.30 in the morning!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

It was 4.30 in the morning when I finally got into my lovely king size bed. I found the energy to go to the club. When I arrived there with my beautiful daughter, the first one I met was one of my old door crew, it was great to see him, so there was I being cuddled by a young handsome cage fighter!!!!! In fact the entire night I was being cuddled by handsome young guys, I can deal with that, thankfully I haven't got any hormones now, so the old blood pressure stayed stable. It was a night of 'Are you better now' and when are you coming back to work' I now leave them blissfully unaware of my situation, they all seem to believe that I will beat cancer and be ok, I guess I should be grateful that they have so much confidence in my abilities to beat anything!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to be able to return to work and if this new chemo works this time maybe, just maybe, I will be able to dust off my bitch belt and my bouncers uniform and get on with doing what I do best and hopefully I will be in work longer than the 5 months like last time before the crap starts all over again, then i will be a very happy bird. Not looking forward to Tuesday and starting chemo yet again but it has to be done,it is another 6 months but I am used to it now, I could write a book on it (Oh I am writing a book on it!!!) It says that I shouldn't loose my hair this time, which means I shall be bald as a badgers arse again, I like doing things oppisite to everyone else, but that is just me!!!!! I shall be invading Leicester at the end of the month and meeting some of you guys from the site, I can't wait, something I need to do really badly and I will have to try and behave myself, luckily I am house trained!!!!!! Well guys I must get off my bum and finish my house work and sort out my crazy animals. Love and hugs to those who want them...the I stayed sober Kezzer...Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Kezzer, you are such a non-confirmist and just what this site needs. You dirty stop-out LOL  Surprised you didn't hang around a bit longer and go out for breakfast!!!!!!!

    I do know how much effort you had to summon to do this, so good on ya girl and Tuesday, just another day in cancerville, you've been there, got the t-shirt and writing the I know your deal with it as you have all your treatment.

    With a bit of contempt, fab attitude and lots of humour.

    Love ya

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kezzer, I'm almost (but not quite!!) speechless in admiration of your determination. Sending all my very best wishes for Tuesday, Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kezzer,

    Great stuff, high quality blogging :0) That's what people say isn't it "you'll be fine" - it's nice, and it does help - and best of all really, it surely helps *them*. Just wondering if I could build on your tattoo theme. Every time someone says "you'll be fine" to me, I'll have a little "thumbs up" symbol tattood on my leg at the site of the melanoma. That'll scare any of those little buggers that are still kicking around.

    Keep it up - good look with the chemo. I always though that if I went bald I'd have interesting patterns painted on my head. Hope I never get the chance ...


  • FormerMember

    A cage fighter hey.......I'm not sure I'd know what to do with one of those lol. Wishing you lots and lots of luck for tomorrow, hope it goes smoothly. Looking forward to meeting you at the Leicester Fiesta!!!

    Angela xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol..Just a quickie to say will be thinking of you tomorrow....hope all goes wishes & hugs & hugs & help you through....
