Kezzerbird....In need of a rant too!

1 minute read time.

Good morning Oncology here, say the voice on the phone. I gave her my hospital number and said that I haven't been given an appointment for next weeks chemo and what is her reply. 'You have chemo weekly, are you sure it is not every three weeks, we haven't got you down for treatment you know' A red mist suddenly fills my kitchen, my eyes start to bulge and the veins start to protrude from my neck Oh great says I, now I have to fight with a bloody receptionist on what my treatment is! So through gritted teeth I tell her that I have to have number three chemo to complete this cycle and that it should be on Monday starting at 8.20 and finishing at 6.30. 'Oh it is all day then' at this point my face is starting to turn purple!!!!!! 'Well I will have to speak to a nurse and get them to call you back, but the Doctor hasn't booked you in' I phoned at 9 and am still waiting. What do we have to do to be heard, answers on a postcard please!!! So not only do I feel like S**T at the moment, I have to sort out my own appointments now. Oh give me strength. I should have had a phone call yesterday from my consultant about my scan results, I am still waiting for that call, so far I have been told the tumours in my stomach have shrunk, next minute they haven't, the new lump I discovered has always been there, next minute it hasn't. Thanks for letting me rant, I don't do it very often but I am sick and tired of fighting these bunch of muppets, well after all it's only my life I am fighting for. Love and hugs to those that want them as usual....Carol the extremely angry Kezzerbird xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Carol, I can't believe what you have to deal with - you must be able to make some kind of complaint, its just not good enough - even if its to make yourself heard without feeling like a numpty when you try to confirm things for yourself.  The weekends just around the corner girl, so get it off your chest, sort it and hope you have a nice one - life's too short to let incompetence get you down right now.  Ann xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi kezzer

    I'm not surprised you're ranting because I would be the same.

    We had a similar situation recently.  John turned up for chemo number 3 to be told that the pharmacy had forgotten to order his trial drug.  Their excuse was that 'somebody' had taken the last one and hadn't told anyone.  So he had to wait nearly a week for the next session because they couldn't go ahead.

    So, we arrive at the time appointed and waited for 40 minutes because 'somebody' had forgotten to tell the chemo nurse he'd arrived.

    Maybe it's that same 'somebody' that's mucked up your appointments?  Whoever he/she is should be whipped at dawn - or perhaps you could set Charlotte on them?

    Hope you get it sorted and that you're feeling better soon.

    Lots of love and *hugs*

    Marjorie and the Parrot x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Dear God Carol not again.

    Its stumbling block after stumbling block for you. This blinking NHS.

    I must admit in the beginning diagnostically my Trust was crap, but after diagnosis they were excellent.

    I never had to make an appointment just to turn up. It seemed they had their regulars on the same days each week.

    I think your hospital covers a wider area than mine so it might be hard to do that.

    Still that is no excuse for causing a patient more worry than is necessary.

    You should write a complaints letter to your PCT like I did in the beginning.

    It doesn't affect your care.

    Anyway it couldn't get any worse could it Carol? It seems it's one thing after another for you.

    Soz Carol. Lots of Love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    awww kez ..... what a loada tosh !!!!

    hope youve calmed down a wee bit ?

    i dont know if you (or others) do this - but - next time you're on the fone to admin ask their name and make a note - ask them for their direct number in case you want to follow up the call - if you get the runaround contact PALS (PATIENT LIASON SERVICES) has your hospital got this service? - they will chase up your queries - they are there to stop  complaints - so make sure you use them!

    if this doesnt work - threaten them with us lot !!!

    your maccy army

    hope things get sorted out real soon

    much love xNx

  • FormerMember

    Bless you Carol you're not alone! apparently I'm on both interferon and sutent at the same time the doc receptionist told me so! I told her I'm not as interferon stopped in March 2009 when I got funded for sutent, oh no she says you must be mistaken? I think I'd know if I was stabbing myself in the stomach 3x a week still! But they know best and so my  application for dla says I'm still on both drugs! Wonder what the dla will make of it? I don't care so long as they pay me!

    I hope you get your chemo on the day and on time! I'd offer to come and do it for you if I had any idea on how to .

    Stay strong and keep blogging you always raise a smile. xx