Kezzerbird....In need of a rant too!

1 minute read time.

Good morning Oncology here, say the voice on the phone. I gave her my hospital number and said that I haven't been given an appointment for next weeks chemo and what is her reply. 'You have chemo weekly, are you sure it is not every three weeks, we haven't got you down for treatment you know' A red mist suddenly fills my kitchen, my eyes start to bulge and the veins start to protrude from my neck Oh great says I, now I have to fight with a bloody receptionist on what my treatment is! So through gritted teeth I tell her that I have to have number three chemo to complete this cycle and that it should be on Monday starting at 8.20 and finishing at 6.30. 'Oh it is all day then' at this point my face is starting to turn purple!!!!!! 'Well I will have to speak to a nurse and get them to call you back, but the Doctor hasn't booked you in' I phoned at 9 and am still waiting. What do we have to do to be heard, answers on a postcard please!!! So not only do I feel like S**T at the moment, I have to sort out my own appointments now. Oh give me strength. I should have had a phone call yesterday from my consultant about my scan results, I am still waiting for that call, so far I have been told the tumours in my stomach have shrunk, next minute they haven't, the new lump I discovered has always been there, next minute it hasn't. Thanks for letting me rant, I don't do it very often but I am sick and tired of fighting these bunch of muppets, well after all it's only my life I am fighting for. Love and hugs to those that want them as usual....Carol the extremely angry Kezzerbird xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kezzer,

    I think its got to the stage where being nice isnt working. So if you can and if I was fit I would join you.

    Go to that hospital shouting roaring and sceaming demand to see who is suppose to know whats going on. and give them a good kick up the arse.

    It might not help but I have a feeling it would make you feel better.and if that dosent work I will send you down Mrs S who I can asure you would put the fear of the Deamons into anybody with that Gob of hers.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

    P. S. Dont tell her I said that.!!!!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Dear Carol,

                      You rant as much as you like, we are all on your side . I think we would all like to tell your onc what we think of him and the whole lot of them sound like they couldn't organise a you know what in a brewery!

                       Take care of yourself and I hope things get sorted quickly.

                         Lots of love,

                                  lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Let's all have a bloody good rant together! Seriously though, it is a ridiculous state of affairs  and I total agree with lizzie. Here's hoping things get sorted and the chemo goes as planned. If not, give them hell!!!

    Take care,


  • FormerMember

    I think we should all rant together as well!!  I must admit, that after they couldn't fit me in for my treatment one week, and I had to go as an 'in patient' I then booked the next 6  sessions in one go so they were there.  I forgot I'd already had one, so at least if my onc says 6 is enough somebody will get an emergency appointment when I cancel the 7th one.  It shows what is happening when they can't fit people in though, there are too many of us with this xxxx disease and not enough staff/units for treating it. My receptionist said waiting times have double for chemo and radiotherapy at the hospital.  The local hospital has a brand new oncology unit, but no licences for all the drugs.... we all have to go central.

    Shout and rant and rave for all of us Kezzerbird..... and good luck, hope you manage to sort them out.

  • Just read some of the new posts and I find it hard to believe the approach to treatment can vary so much betwen hospitals.

    what national health service, its still a lottery and in this day and age is not acceptable.

    you all got me ranting now lol
