Kezzerbird....In need of a rant too!

1 minute read time.

Good morning Oncology here, say the voice on the phone. I gave her my hospital number and said that I haven't been given an appointment for next weeks chemo and what is her reply. 'You have chemo weekly, are you sure it is not every three weeks, we haven't got you down for treatment you know' A red mist suddenly fills my kitchen, my eyes start to bulge and the veins start to protrude from my neck Oh great says I, now I have to fight with a bloody receptionist on what my treatment is! So through gritted teeth I tell her that I have to have number three chemo to complete this cycle and that it should be on Monday starting at 8.20 and finishing at 6.30. 'Oh it is all day then' at this point my face is starting to turn purple!!!!!! 'Well I will have to speak to a nurse and get them to call you back, but the Doctor hasn't booked you in' I phoned at 9 and am still waiting. What do we have to do to be heard, answers on a postcard please!!! So not only do I feel like S**T at the moment, I have to sort out my own appointments now. Oh give me strength. I should have had a phone call yesterday from my consultant about my scan results, I am still waiting for that call, so far I have been told the tumours in my stomach have shrunk, next minute they haven't, the new lump I discovered has always been there, next minute it hasn't. Thanks for letting me rant, I don't do it very often but I am sick and tired of fighting these bunch of muppets, well after all it's only my life I am fighting for. Love and hugs to those that want them as usual....Carol the extremely angry Kezzerbird xxxx

  • FormerMember

    For goodness sake - what is with these people?  Bah!   I think a visit from the tarantula to the receptionist should do the trick!  

    I am sorry that you are having to put up with all this hassle - absolutely the last thing you need.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    What a load of B......cks, go along on the day of your appointment with a banner if you don't have the energy to shout saying "we shall not we shall not be moved" take your packed lunch and don't leave until they sort you out, what a joke!

    So sorry you having to go through this!!!!!!!!! ggrrrrrrrrrrr

    lots of love and some of my strengh and gobbyness too

    Alex xxxxx