Kezzerbird..........give me strength!!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I saw my consultants understudy and the cancer nurse, not happy, this girlie checked me out, I had to make it clear what was going on with me and this new she went, then my Onc appeared 'Oh your hair is growing back well' says he. I haven't bloody lost it yet, says I, 'Well you should have with Cisplatin and Estopeside' says he. followed by, you need to have a scan and we need it done today so we can see what is going on. Had he even examined me NO, had he asked me what was going on NO, did I get my scan YES, did I get the results SORT OF.

The scan wasn't read by the person who is qualified to read it, the onc and his side kick read it, he was pleased OH GOOD. His says the tumours have shrunk in my stomach and this lump had been there all along and it had grown DOH! Then I was asked what treatment I'd had. Now this came from the man who has been my onc from the word go (March 2008) and he is asking me what treatment I have had, he hadn't got a clue, he didn't know why I had to go on a break for 2 weeks either and yet when I told him that was what he wanted I got 'oh was it' So now I have having 3 of the same chemos which= 1 cycle, that is one a week and that should be treatment done (YEAH RIGHT!) I shall wait to see how long it takes to read the scan and I want to see the last 2 to compare them for myself. So much more happend but I am both physically and mentally worn out and need to go to bed, I have chemo a 8.20 and will finish by 6,30. I really am being treated like an idiot and I am far from stupid. I was also told that my stomach is full and I look constipated! I am s**ting for England, I know when I am constipated. I will not let this rest and they should know that I won't. Love and hugs to those who what them....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    If only the oncologists could take our place for a little while!  I read other peoples problems and thank god my GP and the oncologist seem to know what they are doing.  Mind you having 2 different oncs can cause a bit of tension, and I'm still not sure who is the 'Boss' of the team.  All I can say is we all know our bodies, and they should listen to us.  Just keep kicking AXXX in there and hopefully thye will get the message.

    Stay postitive.
