
1 minute read time.

Hellooooooooo and good morning to all those in Macland. The bird is on the mend, hooray!!!!!! What I didn't say in my last post was that I started being sick and having chronic stomach pains, not good when my cancer is in my stomach! I was given CLARITHROMYCIN 500mg to take twice a day and guess what the side effects are????????? Sickness, the trots, chronic stomach pain plus many more! Well what a brilliant idea to give a patient with stomach cancer who has to take a chemo tablet everyday, who can't afford to be sick, this antibiotic  DOH!!!!!! and there was me thinking I just had a little cold due to not wearing my vest (DREW!)

For MR the vest Drew......11 years ago when I met happiness on a stick AKA Kev AKA my wigs stand, there was this guy who used to go to Kevs local pub and come rain or shine or snow this guy would ware an orange vest, in his little mind it was to pull the girls because he could show off his muscles. He ambled over to me one night flexing his muscles in his vest and said "Hey Babe, let me buy you a drink and we can get to know each other better" OH BAD MOVE MATEY!!!!! Now I have to re word what I said to him so I don't offend anyone........I said " Are you making up for something that is very small, oh yes I can see because it is stuck to your forehead, now I suggest you GO AWAY (use your imagination here!!!) He almost ran away, him and his vest left, he never bothered me again. I wonder why!!!!! He and hugs to those who want them Carol xxxxxx

  • Hope the docs (after having a brain transplant) give you a new antibiotic. Glad you're on the mend.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    The poor bloke - you probably ruined his life! I am not really obsessed with vests but my mother was. Have you got your vest on she would demand in front of all my mates. Did naff all for your street cred. I suppose I have got post traumatic vest disorder as well as post traumatic bingo disorder. Will the torture ever end????????

    When I came back from Brighton I had bought some red underpants and when she saw them she asked my father to have a word with me about my sexual preferences as she thought I was into bread and bread. Can you imagine the surreal conversation that my father had with me? It still makes me smile forty years later.

  • FormerMember

    Ooops, I forgot

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    He was very lucky you where in a good mood. I would love to have seen his face. Looks like he tried to pull the wrong kind of Bird.

    Take care and stay safe Jackie and Mrs S.xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh my god Carol :-) Thanks so much for your blog, not done a lot of laughing recently but I just about wet myself (sorry if too much info) laughing reading that. Especially working out the true wording of your little chat with that little bloke

    Take care

