Kezzerbird, Charlotte and Mr Crickets reprieve!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I have to say that I would love to put a picture of Charlotte on here but I won't  because debs will come looking for me and she will after finding a chair to stand on, will head butt me and even through I am a bouncer i know that would hurt because she has 4 bolts in her bounce !!!! LOL.....well after chasing 2 crickets around their small tank for Charlottes supper and feeling guilty for doing so, I left her to dine and went to bed, knowing I had to be up early for my weekly poison session (10 hours of it!) I didn't have time to see if she had eaten them so off I went to the hospital. On my return at 7pm I checked Charlotte and there frantically trying to swim in her water dish was one cricket, I couldn't find the other one...anyway I pulled out Mr Cricket and decided that he deserved a reprieve and put him back in the cricket tank with his mates, I am sure I heard him say 'S**t guys that was a close call!' Now the word has got around the cricket tank, I think there will be a mass exodus next time I try to feed Charotte, not that I blame them!!!!!......My boss came into the chemo centre for a couple of hours yesterday and she met my oncologist, he shook her hand and said 'How the hell do you put up with this one (charming eh!!!) her reply was a cracker, she said to him 'Well hurry up and get her better because I miss her and want her back to work and then you won't have to put up with her, will you' he walked away laughing. i expect to start going down hill rapidly but i am ok, I have chemo next week again, so don't worry, you should know know the BIRD doesn't keep quiet for long, so the nexxt thrilling installment will follow soon. Tonight I have to give Monty (my python) a mouse after I thaw one out for him, he hasn't eaten for months, he has just shed his skin, well I wouldn't call it shedding, he kind of expodes there is snake skin every where in his tank. Love and hugs to those that want them.....Carol the weird and wonderful Kezzerbird xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well Carol that was one lucky little cricket!! I kept 2 pythons about 20 yrs ago & both decided that they wud only eat live food aaaargh. Nver mind, needs be & all that. so off i went in search of gerbil & hamster which i was told they wud eat... and they did, for a while. Just as well as the pet shops local to me realised the demise of said furry little critters & banned me from their establishments. I then bought 2 rats to breed & supply food, which they did but alas Monty & Little Blood were not partial to a bit of rat, and the rats bit back!!! Ouch poor snakes. Finally after much snake turmoil i decided to re-home the pair, get the rats back to the pet shop, but kept 1 little baby girl which i called Sookie, and she turned out to be the funniest thing on 4 legs. Methinks its time for another Sookie, but 20 yrs on i think my bladder control is not gonna cope with the laughter that these little creatures can bestow on you.

    Take good care of yourself and all your friends,

    Marielle xx

  • FormerMember

    oh carol .i am pmsl, and its all your fault, i was explaining to a collegue about your loving present form kev and the more i tried to explain the more confuddled she looked ,the more i laughed , and the more confused she got ,so i had to walk away as was laughing so much ,she now knows im barmy ,was giving me funny looks all shift ,ad you would have been in fits too ,i know you would, i may mention crickets tommorow :), ,seriously hope chemo doesnt hit you to hard hun, take care big hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol,

                   You are weird but in the nicest most wonderful way! I do love reading your blogs, they always make me smile. I too have a mad dog with sensitive skin and have to give her an injection every month which keeps the condition under control. Luckily she doesn't hold it against me ( may have something to do with the handful of treats she gets afterwards!)

                     Hope the effects of the chemo aren't too bad,

                           Lots of love to you and your menagerie,

                                                                 lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    awww i want to see charlotte... debs, close yer eyes matey, then we can have a loo at her, i think she deserves her own blog.... lol...  i dont mind spiders... but cats are a different matter i have a phobia about them! glad you got throught your chemo... 10 hours is a long time mate, mine only takes 3 hours and 2 of those is weight, questions, waiting around then only 1 hour of chemo, so i reckon i have it easy, done it today.....

    liz xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    im with liz ...................p l e a s e ............put a foto on

    to all u scardies .........its only  a  f-o-t-o

    love n hugs back
