Kezzerbird, Charlotte and Mr Crickets reprieve!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I have to say that I would love to put a picture of Charlotte on here but I won't  because debs will come looking for me and she will after finding a chair to stand on, will head butt me and even through I am a bouncer i know that would hurt because she has 4 bolts in her bounce !!!! LOL.....well after chasing 2 crickets around their small tank for Charlottes supper and feeling guilty for doing so, I left her to dine and went to bed, knowing I had to be up early for my weekly poison session (10 hours of it!) I didn't have time to see if she had eaten them so off I went to the hospital. On my return at 7pm I checked Charlotte and there frantically trying to swim in her water dish was one cricket, I couldn't find the other one...anyway I pulled out Mr Cricket and decided that he deserved a reprieve and put him back in the cricket tank with his mates, I am sure I heard him say 'S**t guys that was a close call!' Now the word has got around the cricket tank, I think there will be a mass exodus next time I try to feed Charotte, not that I blame them!!!!!......My boss came into the chemo centre for a couple of hours yesterday and she met my oncologist, he shook her hand and said 'How the hell do you put up with this one (charming eh!!!) her reply was a cracker, she said to him 'Well hurry up and get her better because I miss her and want her back to work and then you won't have to put up with her, will you' he walked away laughing. i expect to start going down hill rapidly but i am ok, I have chemo next week again, so don't worry, you should know know the BIRD doesn't keep quiet for long, so the nexxt thrilling installment will follow soon. Tonight I have to give Monty (my python) a mouse after I thaw one out for him, he hasn't eaten for months, he has just shed his skin, well I wouldn't call it shedding, he kind of expodes there is snake skin every where in his tank. Love and hugs to those that want them.....Carol the weird and wonderful Kezzerbird xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like a great menagerie, I'm surprised you've got time to go to work (or 10 hour chemo sessions!)

    No wonder I wander round bored when I have 'chemo effects', I've only got my husband!!

    At least it gives you something to look at when you feel depressed.

    Keep smiling and cheering us all up.

    Viv   XXXX

  • Your a happy bunch on here --well done what a band of merrymen we are --now where is Robin Hood !!!!!

    Kezzerbird your Boss sounds lovely and good luck with the next round of Chemo xxx

    Love mavis