Kezzerbird, Charlotte and Mr Crickets reprieve!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I have to say that I would love to put a picture of Charlotte on here but I won't  because debs will come looking for me and she will after finding a chair to stand on, will head butt me and even through I am a bouncer i know that would hurt because she has 4 bolts in her bounce !!!! LOL.....well after chasing 2 crickets around their small tank for Charlottes supper and feeling guilty for doing so, I left her to dine and went to bed, knowing I had to be up early for my weekly poison session (10 hours of it!) I didn't have time to see if she had eaten them so off I went to the hospital. On my return at 7pm I checked Charlotte and there frantically trying to swim in her water dish was one cricket, I couldn't find the other one...anyway I pulled out Mr Cricket and decided that he deserved a reprieve and put him back in the cricket tank with his mates, I am sure I heard him say 'S**t guys that was a close call!' Now the word has got around the cricket tank, I think there will be a mass exodus next time I try to feed Charotte, not that I blame them!!!!!......My boss came into the chemo centre for a couple of hours yesterday and she met my oncologist, he shook her hand and said 'How the hell do you put up with this one (charming eh!!!) her reply was a cracker, she said to him 'Well hurry up and get her better because I miss her and want her back to work and then you won't have to put up with her, will you' he walked away laughing. i expect to start going down hill rapidly but i am ok, I have chemo next week again, so don't worry, you should know know the BIRD doesn't keep quiet for long, so the nexxt thrilling installment will follow soon. Tonight I have to give Monty (my python) a mouse after I thaw one out for him, he hasn't eaten for months, he has just shed his skin, well I wouldn't call it shedding, he kind of expodes there is snake skin every where in his tank. Love and hugs to those that want them.....Carol the weird and wonderful Kezzerbird xxxx

  • Can't you get frozen crickets and then you won't have these awful pangs of conscience? Or do they do tinned food for spiders? Picture the tins with pictures of cuddly spiders printed on the label - and what could you call it  - "Spider Munchies"?

    Lovely blog as usual, Carol.


  • FormerMember

    Christine...I am a big softie really but don't tell the others LOL x Val.. I don't wish to be responsible for you choking my love, if you see anything from me in the future and decide to read it DO NOT be eatting (I should come with a warning sign!) x and Kate tut tut frozen crickets, no no no no no, Charlotte will only eat live food, I could get some chocolate chips and super glue them on the crickets if she gets the munchies though LOL x Chemo starting to kick in so I have to go and lay down. Take it easy guys x

  • FormerMember

    I nearly forgot Kath......making children cry after reading Charolles Web tut tut, that is why I have always loved spiders after reading the book at the age of 5, it is a wonderful story, I love pigs too, I would dearly love a pot bellied pig but seeing that i already have 5 parrots,4 cockitiels (one is sitting on 3 eggs at the mo)  a python, a mad dog with sensitive skin! 2 canaries, a spider, a tank of tropical fish and Kev, I don't think I have room!!!!! x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bird,

    You where right. Madge thats not a parrot. A parrot has only 4 legs.

    Take care Pal Big Hugs Love Sarsfield and Mrs P.S. do the Crickets like to play Cricket or is that a stupid question??????????

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol...i dont mind if you put pics of Charlotte on here but PLLEEAASSEE..... dont put any of an ophidiophobic of the highest order...if i here the word i jump...and i can't even look at it written down. My toes are curling as we speak...haha...i agree with Debs..put Graphic pics warning up if you Sharon xx