Kezzerbird...Calling all carers for help

1 minute read time.

Guys the old bird needs some help. I have been with my partner for almost 12  years and since I was diagnosed in March 08 he has gone from being a caring gentle man into an acholic evil s**t and I have to be honest I hate him. Has you know I haven't been too good of late (I am slowing picking up) and the other night took the biscuit for me. I had gone to bed (tired on chemo) I asked him to chuck me up something and he could barely stand up he was so drunk and when I had a go I got 'Why don't you f*** off and I am not  taking that from anyone. That morning my Mac nurse had deguessed where I wanted to die and I had to speak with him and my daughter about this and I broke down. I need help in trying to understand where he is coming from because I can't fight cancer and him. I have told him to go if he can't cope. He is causing more problems than the cancer itself. I have been a carer many time to people I cared about. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP.....Love Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    HI Carol,

    I kinda guessed you were having problems.  Is there nobody he woudl listen to, that can help you both.  Can't the mac nurse listen to his problems so he can get them in perspective.   know it is very hard when you feel weak and debilliated to make the effort, but he is sapping what strength you have left.  How about a letter, rather than a slaging match putting the options... he could take it away and study it in his own time and decided where he wants to be - supporting you, or fending for himself in a drunken stupor.

    My heart goes out to you, and you have all my prayers.

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    OK maybe this will surprise you - but I agree with Dawnief - First yes - we men are the weaker sex ! We have been taught from the youngest age - men don't have emotions - only sissies cry and we are not allowed to say we are hurting inside.

    We carry this forward as an ingrained thought and in time we even begin to believe it ourselves - and in  turn pass it on to the next generation.

    What ever I say is only an opinion as I do  not either of you well enough to for an educated answer.

    The decision that only you can know, is, is he a uncaring drunken Sh** or a very scared and frightened little boy ? - Either way he is of no use to you at  the moment and something needs to be sorted.

    Maybe tackle the drinking first - make him seek professional advice, maybe even under the threat of being flung out on his ear. I know its hard but you both need to sit down and talk - when he is sober and try to find the reason for the drinking. To be honest when I was diagnosed I went off the rails for a while - OK I know you are the patient and he has to take on the role of Carer so not quite the same - but honest the reason for my drinking also related to the position I would be placing my family in - I could never of discussed that despite being married for 34 years - male pride maybe or just male stupidity?

    I have read a lot of your posts and you always come across as such a strong and capable person so two things if you don't mind.

    First for you to post this rant shows the depth of your frustration and hurt.

    Second got a hard question for you and maybe its just one to ask yourself. Do you scare him off with your independent self reliant style - Unless you both talk you could be throwing so much away but at the same time I know you are hurting and already have enough to cope with in your life and he needs to step forward - you have nothing to prove - he has everything.

    Maybe as others have suggested put all this in a letter and let him study it on his own - he does need to know you tough you are finding things.

    Sorry if this sounds like a lecture - not meant that way just my random opinions.


    J x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    He dosent love or care for you. If he did then you would come first,not something out of a bottle.

    The useless Bastard.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Carol I am so sorry you are not getting the love and care you deserve at this very difficult time. You are always there for others. I don't know what to suggest but I think he needs to explore his feelings when he is sober. and if he can't support you any better then he should go.

    We are here for you.

    Love and strength.

    Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    So so sorry you are not getting the support from your partner that you need and deserve. Alcohol can so easily become an evil prop for those who cannot face up to what is going on.

    Don't forget that, although you may not have the physical support you need you have all the virtual support from those of us here. Take care,

    love Kath xx