Kezzerbird....been run over by a bus and my head is shrinking!!!

1 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies out there in MacLand... while I have some energy I thought I would do an update! Well I managed to complete one full cycle of Cisplatin and Estopeside Yipeeeeeeeeee! It is a bit of a bitch that it is not working but you can't have it all!!!! I had a blood transfusion yesterday and am hopeing to be bouncing around like a spring lamb at some point today but I still feel like a bus has hit me yet again and I am sure my head is shrinking because my glasses keep falling off!!!!! I hope my brain isn't shrinking, I dare say I shall know soon enough when my blogs get worse than they are now and my humour gets more warped than it is now! Charlotte (my tarantula) is doing well, every time I look at her I think to myself that I must shave my legs but I haven't got around to it yet and the new cockatiel chick is doing well done in the avairy, so all I have to do know is kick my own butt and find out what the next stage of my treatment is going to be, I am being given time to recover and have a scan and will have to take it from there. Right guys I am off to find my boxing gloves , ding ding round three.....Love and hugs to those that want them as always....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Just keep stroking those furry legs and you'll soon be calm - and if that doesn't work take Charlotte out and stroke hers!

    Whatever happens you know we'll all be with you, suffering the setbacks and enjoying the triumphs.

    Love and gentle hugs to you whether you want them or not, Sharry x

  • FormerMember

    hi kezza

    your heads not shrinking - kev uses ur glasses when ur not looking - hes stretched them!!!!!

    b u t

    dont tell him i told you ........

    sending you loadsa love n (((hUgs))) n tons of cyberstrength xNx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you and wishing you to be well. xx

  • Cisplatin dreadful stuff it does knock yoou done but hope it kicks in soon and you get back up.

    Wishing lots of love and Strength we are all fighting together here xxx

    Love Mavis

  • FormerMember

    i got the number of the bus. lol. i dont have the experiences of what you and others on chemo have and are experiencing, but i do come on here and read a lot, i do like yor blogs and sense of humour.

    soooo relax,chill and feel better soon. i do wish you well. warmest regards ski