Kezzerbird....been run over by a bus and my head is shrinking!!!

1 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies out there in MacLand... while I have some energy I thought I would do an update! Well I managed to complete one full cycle of Cisplatin and Estopeside Yipeeeeeeeeee! It is a bit of a bitch that it is not working but you can't have it all!!!! I had a blood transfusion yesterday and am hopeing to be bouncing around like a spring lamb at some point today but I still feel like a bus has hit me yet again and I am sure my head is shrinking because my glasses keep falling off!!!!! I hope my brain isn't shrinking, I dare say I shall know soon enough when my blogs get worse than they are now and my humour gets more warped than it is now! Charlotte (my tarantula) is doing well, every time I look at her I think to myself that I must shave my legs but I haven't got around to it yet and the new cockatiel chick is doing well done in the avairy, so all I have to do know is kick my own butt and find out what the next stage of my treatment is going to be, I am being given time to recover and have a scan and will have to take it from there. Right guys I am off to find my boxing gloves , ding ding round three.....Love and hugs to those that want them as always....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Morning Carol, I have Cisplastin as part of my treatment with Taxorate too, it is a bitch and I know how you feel with the run over by a bus feeling!!!  I really do think that chemo does have an affect on the brain, well thats my excuse and I'm sticking with it!! Spiders and hairy legs now theres a thought ha ha ha.  It does suck feeling so rough and sometimes its really hard to pull our selves up but I refuse as do so many on this site to stay down, so as you say ding ding round three, hope you have a good day,

    love and gentle hug Alex xxx

  • FormerMember

    Talking of tarantulas there is a character who comes into the club who mispronounces all sorts of words and sayings like "He made a mountain out of a mousehole." and he said there was a big spider in his bathroon which was a taran - tula. The best one he ever said was when he had to go for a liver biopsy. "I've just been for one of them autopsies!" he said. I told him it was biopsy. "That's the f*cker" he responded. Sorry you are feeling so rough - I feel so guilty that I got through chemo relatively unscathed except for my toenails which have'nt come back and my hairless legs! The chemo brain is alive and well. I have two appointments today for which I gave my apologies as I couldn't make it and they are both next week! All I can offer is my support and a chuck on when you need it.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Dear Carol - sending you love and support - and if you've got the boxing gloves on, I'm right in the fighting ring with you, holding the water, the bucket and the towel. Not sure how much room I'll have - I think there are lots of your Macland friends who'll also be right behind you. Love Val XXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kezza, I am sorry your chemo isnt working. Hubs had that Cisplatin it laid him low very badly so I'm not surprised you feel bad. However after the blood transfusion you will hopefully be buzzing pretty soon. Hopefully the weather will pick up and you can get your legs out (hairy or not) and sit in the garden and soak up the sun.

    Best wishes and hugs to you (and a respectful salute to charlotte)

    Clare x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

                 So sorry that you are feeling rough but I am sure that you will be bouncing around soon as you say. My treatment isn't working either and I have to decide what the next course of action will be. At least there  are options, so I will join you in pulling on the boxing gloves and will come out fighting.

                  Thinking of you and sending you lots of love,


    PS have you got a name for the cockatiel chick yet?