Kezzerbird....been run over by a bus and my head is shrinking!!!

1 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies out there in MacLand... while I have some energy I thought I would do an update! Well I managed to complete one full cycle of Cisplatin and Estopeside Yipeeeeeeeeee! It is a bit of a bitch that it is not working but you can't have it all!!!! I had a blood transfusion yesterday and am hopeing to be bouncing around like a spring lamb at some point today but I still feel like a bus has hit me yet again and I am sure my head is shrinking because my glasses keep falling off!!!!! I hope my brain isn't shrinking, I dare say I shall know soon enough when my blogs get worse than they are now and my humour gets more warped than it is now! Charlotte (my tarantula) is doing well, every time I look at her I think to myself that I must shave my legs but I haven't got around to it yet and the new cockatiel chick is doing well done in the avairy, so all I have to do know is kick my own butt and find out what the next stage of my treatment is going to be, I am being given time to recover and have a scan and will have to take it from there. Right guys I am off to find my boxing gloves , ding ding round three.....Love and hugs to those that want them as always....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Afternoon Carol,

    You'll soon know if your brain is shrinking, you'll start acting like me...........NOT GOOD mate lol

    Here's to a swift recovery and another new gameplan.

    Drew, my daughter is exactly like that guy......we often call her Ethel (as in the old biddy that was in Eastenders who muddled her words).  She did a classic the other, buggered if I can remember what it was now = another Dorey moment!

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    It is a sickener when things don't work isn't it. I don't know about brain shrinkage, but I know I still have chemo brain moments and it's over a year since my chemo ended. the children at school have got used to the fact that if I look at them I am talking to them , irrespective of whatever name I call them. I can go shopping and return with a bag full , but not one of the things I actually went for!!

    Hope you are soon feeling full of energy

    Kath xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bird good to hear from you again.hope things keep goin well and your Brain dosent shrink.

    Mrs S took Meggie to the vet yesterday and she will be going in for her op to remove the lump on the 24th, at 0830 in the morning,she is also going to take bloods and a chest Xray in case anything nasty has spread. Angie will be collecting her after work and bringing her home. Carol if anything happens to Megs I will be lost. But I am going to take my own advice wait until the results come back.

    You take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield and Mrs S. and Meggie.XXXX

  • FormerMember

    hey keezer , if any one can fight this crap its you ,i really think and hope blood transfusion will perk you up , as you need all your energy for chasing ,kev ,charlotte and the crickets , and most of all to keep us smiling, please god your brains not shrinking , as its vital to all of us here, as its so very funny :) ,

    take care bird, love and hugs as always xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hugs to you miss tattoo

    dam i hope they find something to get you back in remission...everyone is hoping that....

    cisplatin..i so dont like that stuff.....DO NOT TRY TO DO TO need to rest up and take it easy..if you cant get out for a walk  [ i couldnt ] then get the nice mac nurse to sort you with a wheelchair and weeeeeeeeeee you can still get out if you find someone nice to give you a push about...

    after cisplatin i couldnt walk ...ieven fell down in my kitching and good job i had my phone in my pocket as i phoned up my nice mac nurse who came round and sorted me out...

    youl get back in remission carol.....dont you get down....i know you wont but sometimes its not that easy is it...

    just be good ok and take care and loads of hugs are coming from me and everyone else on here...

    is it platelets you have to have carol.. ?

    i did about 4 times while i was on the r-dhap which included cisplatin....

    all the best allways.....hugs xx