Kezzerbird and the Tarantula!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I have never been the best person on the planet to upset, I admit and when someone gets up my nose, they know about it big time. I am laughing my head off at the moment and here is the reason why!!!!!

Kev my other half aka happiness on a stick aka the wigs stand, threw a wobberly big style the other day because the hose pipe wouldn't work, he almost took the front door off the hinges when he slamed it behind him and went to the pub leaving me in cronic pain,(I don't do stress now) when he came back I went mad and told him to sod off, I had enough WELL today he came home from work with a present for me......a tarantula ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he hates spiders, I love them and have always wanted one but couldn't because he is terrified of them!!!! HE HE HE! I have called her Charlotte after the book Charlottes Web which I first read when I was five years old, she is beautiful, she is fairly big now but as some growing to do yet, I love it...................I love elephants also, maybe I will end up with one of those next time he upsets the bird!!!!!!!!! Most women get flowers, I get a bloody big spider, how cool is that she says while laughing, it could only happen to me!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them.....Carol xxx

  • FormerMember

    Carol, you have actually made my day with your post. I have had a really good laugh! What a sweetie though, putting his fears aside like that.

    Mrs Sarsfield, you sound just like me. Flowers, chocolates!!!! What are they lol.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Whatever floats your boat!! If you get an elephant can I share it please?

    Love Jen Xx

  • FormerMember

    whatever you do Carol........don't post any pics lovey.  I am petrified of spiders, my blood runs cold.  

    When I was pregnant with Lara we took the boys to a Wildlife Park for their joint birthday party, Jack was 4 and Sean was 2.  As part of the 'birthday package' they got to help out with the "meet the creatures" show.  I sat with them for ferrets and other stuff but when the spider came out.....I was out of the hall, leaving my kids to the mercy of the 8 legged beastie!  I am the only one scared of them in our house & thankfully Dexter eats them for me :)

    I loved the film of Charlottes Web and am sure your tarantula is lovely but ewwwwwwwwwwwww.  You're right though the story did put a smile on me dial :)

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    HE HE HE!!!!!!! Debs try feeding Dexter dog food chic. I have always loved big hairy things!!!!! Smiles all around then guys, oh I am soooooooo glad I am not normal, Kev says it is like having flowers, after all it is a rose tarantula!

  • FormerMember

    you now need to think what you would like next....

    then get him to upset you again and bingo..

    youl be able to get everything you want..


    better then a magic lamp and a genie..

    hugs x