kezzerbird....About right!!!!

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Hello my lovelies. Last week I was confronted with a very nervous baby doctor, sent with compliments of my consultant who amuses himself by sending these victims my way and enjoys every minute of it!!!!! This terrified lillte chappie had to arrange a scan for me, not a difficult thing to do and I told him that I was on my hols starting from the 3rd of Oct and that I wouldn't return until the 17th Oct and I did say it slowly......He only gets me a scan appointment for the 8thOct!!!!! I rang the scanning dept and made another appointment for the 20th because the woman on the end of the phone and I came to the same conclusion that the scanner would not be able to fit in a narrow boat on the Llangollen Canal in North Wales!!!!! About right eh!! Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    LOL and the saga continues, perhaps you scared him so much he got confused!!!!

    Enjoy the hols matey, you certainly deserve them.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Canel and wales, that sounds cold!!!!

    Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Honest Debs I am not that scary!!!! xx

  • FormerMember

    Nope Debs she's not! And if she wants a scanner her the canal boat then I bet she gets one! Me an Tim will give her a hand. Every nervous twitchy little doctor should have a Kezzerbabe to deal with - I think it should be part of their training. My oncologist is so straight laced and stern that you can't crack a joke at all. Some fell on stoney ground comes to mind. It is my ambition to make him smile but so far he hasn't managed it. I think his piles are playing him up! He is very thorough though, speaks very plainly (Mr. Wilkie I am going to try and save your arsehole) and as far as I am concerned hasn't put a foot wrong. His hole (!) department is terrified of him - perhaps he needs a bit of Kezzerbabe to put a smile on his little face. I hate the cold and I am going on the Stratford on Avon canal on October 19th. Are we nuts or are we just ..............nuts?

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Drew hun, my consultant is the total opposite of yours, all the staff give him grief and he loves it. Holidays on the canals is great fun in Oct, normally the weather is brilliant but saying that with my luck it won't be but there is central heating on our 'mental boat' so I shall stay warm anyway xx