I look too normal!

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Hi guys..................My hair is starting to grow back, I've been beautifully bald for almost a year! Before cancer I had waist length dark hair with pink flashes in it, now I am wearing a short light coloured wig and it is not acceptable to my grown kids! WHY, it makes me look weird and normal! Didn't know I wasn't normal, there you go, you learn something about yourself every day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them.................Carol the abnormal kezzerbird x
  • FormerMember

    ...think the whole point of that poem is that we can all sit and sing in the street with purple hair if we damn well feel like it!  I think she is warning the world, not herself...

    Do eyelashes grow back in???  I can't believe (a) how many of them we have and (b) how many days of red-eyed agony I've had with the wretched things dropping off into my aqueous fluid...look as if I have a permanent hangover. If only...

    So thrilled you are seeing the sprouting seeds of recovery.  Viva la Kezzabird!!!


  • FormerMember

    Age disgracefully - whats the point of getting old if you can't behave badly.  I plan to become a very mad old aunt ...

    Congratulations on your seed of growth, I think purple would be fantastic.

    Take care Kezzer

    Love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Neither do I because I am actually eighteen till I die. And I can prove it! You do purple hair then I'll do a purple beard. I did grow a big bushy one a few years back and tried to beach it so I could be a real Santa (got the shape already) and finished up on the bathroom floor gasping for breath from the ammonia. Never one to be outdone I tried again the follwing year and it went bright ginger - it looked like I had been smoking a hundred Capstan's Full strength a day but what really was the icing on the cake was when i walked past two very young girls and one said to the other "That's the real Santa that is." Aww - made my Christmas.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Drew thats classic, :o)))))

    Carol. x