1 minute read time.

Hi Guys...recently I wrote about work related stress. A run down for you.

Having been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in March 2008, I was given the normal chemo treatment for this, I was told I had 85% chance of recovery then. It turned out that the chemo didn't work and the cancer spread to my womb, bowl, stomach and Ormentum, this was discovered during my op, they removed all but some tumours in the lining of my stomach. I then had a harsh regime of new chemos, which almost killed me. I am now in remission and have been for 8 months now. Then major problem that is occurring right now is from my partner work place. Having had time of work to take me for treatment, hospitals appointment etc, he is now at risk from loosing his job basically because of me and my cancer. The company now accept I had cancer because I gave Kev my diagnosis sheet to photocopy but they don't see or accept why he needed time of work and especially now, he wasn't sick and I am in remission, so what is the problem! He has seen 3 occupational nurses and has to see another one, the company haven't even read the other reports. Kev could have gone of sick for 6 months at a time but didn't he worked and now they are saying he should be fine. I am disgusted about this and now it is effecting my health, I am still fighting to try and prevent my cancer returning which could occur at any time. Now this is effecting my health as well has his. Don't carers have any rights, they go through hell to. I can't see Citizens advice because you have to wait months for an appointment. I have contacted my GP who helped me through 18 months of hell and she is going to help. Any advice given will be gratefully received. Cancer doesn't just effect the patient, what about the partners. I don't need this stress

  • FormerMember

    Carol, get in touch with MacMillan.  We had the same problem and Nick sued his company.  I cant remember the particular law your partner is covered under, I think its the carers 2004 Act, (chemo brain).  MacMillan will steer you right though.  Partners of cancer sufferers are covered under this law for sure.  Sorry your having to go through this.  It made Nick so ill with stress and myself too.  At the v ery time when you really dont need any extra stress.  Some employers need a swift kick up the ass and a reminder of the UK Laws regarding cancer and carers/partners.  Good luck to you both and try not to worry to much.  Luv Txxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, sorry you're having to go through all this crap after everything you've been through.  I went back to work this week and have had to look through DDA information to try and get my boss to look at reduced hours for me.  When I was reading through this it did say that carers are covered by the act too.  Hope you have been able to get some help from Macmillan or from the other links.  Good luck with everything ... love and hugs to you both.  Jozzy xx

  • Hi Carol

    Write to your local MP and to Gordon Brown. Kev's employers need to be shamed and named for being inflexible.

    I was a Civil Servant and when we had correspondence from MPs everyone ran around like headless chickens.

    You have nothing to lose.

    Good Luck

    Sue x x x  

  • FormerMember

    I am so very sorry you and Kevin have this stress hanging over you when things seemed to be getting slightly better with you going back to work!  What a Company.  Could you possibly make an appointment with the HR bod (or whatever they call themselves now?).  The pair of you go along and point out where they are exempt from the Carers Law.  Get them to write down where they think they are above this law, tell them you want it in writing before you go any further!!  This will get them moving, put the ball back in their court then produce this in court!!

    Try not to worry too much.....easier said than done.  Wish I could fight this for you.  I always feel so outraged at such insanity.

    Take care of yourselves.
