1 minute read time.

Hi Guys...recently I wrote about work related stress. A run down for you.

Having been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in March 2008, I was given the normal chemo treatment for this, I was told I had 85% chance of recovery then. It turned out that the chemo didn't work and the cancer spread to my womb, bowl, stomach and Ormentum, this was discovered during my op, they removed all but some tumours in the lining of my stomach. I then had a harsh regime of new chemos, which almost killed me. I am now in remission and have been for 8 months now. Then major problem that is occurring right now is from my partner work place. Having had time of work to take me for treatment, hospitals appointment etc, he is now at risk from loosing his job basically because of me and my cancer. The company now accept I had cancer because I gave Kev my diagnosis sheet to photocopy but they don't see or accept why he needed time of work and especially now, he wasn't sick and I am in remission, so what is the problem! He has seen 3 occupational nurses and has to see another one, the company haven't even read the other reports. Kev could have gone of sick for 6 months at a time but didn't he worked and now they are saying he should be fine. I am disgusted about this and now it is effecting my health, I am still fighting to try and prevent my cancer returning which could occur at any time. Now this is effecting my health as well has his. Don't carers have any rights, they go through hell to. I can't see Citizens advice because you have to wait months for an appointment. I have contacted my GP who helped me through 18 months of hell and she is going to help. Any advice given will be gratefully received. Cancer doesn't just effect the patient, what about the partners. I don't need this stress

  • FormerMember

    Add to the above comment this link i have found when i googled "employment law for carers",1570,NW.html

    It has many links in that may be of help, i'll have a further read.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you guys for your advice, especially Dave for the link.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    I know it's easy to say but try not to let all this upset you, stress can have a really negative effect on your health.

    I had a similar problem but mine happened the other way round. A couple of years ago I was signed off with exhaustion and work related stress due to doing two peoples + work, I was working up to 12 hours a day. My employers were very nasty indeed and a 14 month battle followed. They eventually settled out of court and finally it was all over. Eleven months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I know I can't prove it but I'm sure it was a  result of the stress.

    If your partner goes down the legal route it can be very very stressful indeed, not helped by the added financial burden. He may be eligible for legal aid. It is means tested and I think if you have more than 9k worth of assets it's a no go (that figure may have changed). I had a bit of a problem with sick pay when I was first diagnosed and Macmillan got someone from CAB to call me rather than me having to go to them - they resolved my problem.

    If he does go down the legal road feel free to pm me with any questions.

    His company may have a disibility insurance policy in place. Mine did but they didn't tell me and I stumbled across it in my T&C's months into the batttle. That policy eneded up paying me quite a substantial amount for loss of earnings.

    Try to deal with it at a calm constructive pace. Don't let it make you ill hon.

    I'm thinking of you both, it's such a problem when you have unsympathetic employers - there are so many of them about unfortunately.

    Take care x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    For heavens sake have you not been thru enough without this happening.

    I would take johnr advice and try the 2 sites he has mentioned. The best of Luck .

    Take care and be safe. Sarsfieldxx