Help me out here guys

1 minute read time.

Hi guys................ I have a situation going on and I need some help on this one because it is doing my head in.

I have 7 grand children, one I haven't seen for 6 years because of my one idiot son who left the child's mother and she has moved on. I see 3 of my grand daughters but my other son has 2 sons, he has fallen out with their mother so I haven't seen them for a year  and 8 months ago the same sons girlfriend (now ex) had a little girl who I haven't seen at all. There has been a lot of problems with this ex. She is a bunny boiler to say the least but she wants me to see Evie, I am so scared that if I see her and fall in love with her, that the mother will then tell me to sod off and break my heart but if I don't see her and my cancer returns and i don't pull through next time, look what I could have lost out on. I am loosing too many of these amazing little people and I haven't done a damn thing wrong and neither have my grand babies. Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carol I haven`t replied to youtr blogs before but i read them often and i think you are one amazing lady, and you gave so much inspiration to everyone :0)

    I felt i needed to reply here and say i have one little grandson, hes only 6 months old and after losing my lovely family to cancer he is the sunshine in my life, but today he is in hospital having alot of tests on his bowel...needless to say i am sick with worry i feel i can`t watch anyone else i love in pain..

    Carol what im trying to say is i feel you need to see little Evie  and im certain she needs you in her life..i think you may regret it if you don`t see her..just my thoughts.....

    I also know that feeling of what if you are stopped from seeing evie once you have her in your life, my son and his partner have a lot of problems and i always feel one day i may lose my little grandson as his mum has relatives abroad and she may go there, it will break my heart if it happens but for now im savouring every minute i have him in my arms and my life.

    Take care

    love scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    i have heard they are changing the law so grand parents can have access to grand children in the near future ...dont know if it will happen but lets hope it does....step dads and step mums should also be given the right to access in cases with no wierd issues, if you get what i mean for your question i would deff so my grand daugher if i was least she will know you loved her and wanted to keep in contact with her if anything does pop up in the future.its better to have tried then not to have tried at all i think..having said all that i think you should do what you want to do.....

  • FormerMember

    Hello, thought i'd share my thoughts i have 4 young children and very few of mine and my husbands family take an interest in my children. They only have a step granny who only sees them now and then and a papa my dad who seems to only see them when it suits him. Our famillys all broke up many years ago due to silly things and a day turned into a week, a week turned into a month and now its 10 years down the line and everyone has moved on- it hurts me seeing my children  to not have a granny and papa to take them out etc and i would do anything for them to have someone they can turn to even if it were for a short time. It effects my kids too although they are still young my oldest son who is 8 has started to ask questions about family and its so difficult, even now with me just being diagnosed i wish i had them to talk to, but i dont. if i were you i'd grab your little grandaughter with both arms and enjoy her as much as you can, they give so much love a love that you need.


    Sarah x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, I think the answer is in your question,

    "but if I don't see her"...............

    Take a chance,life as you know is all too short!

    Good luck, big hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hi hun

    I tend to agree with most here and think that if you feel strong enough you should see Evie.  If you don't then not only may you regret it but also, sadly and through no fault of your own, her mum could perceive that as a definite snub, so may well not offer the opportunity again as 'you weren't interested'.

    I am step-nana to two amazing little boys and since their Gramps, my darling, died I have learnt that now I have to walk on eggshells with their mum. At first I found this very difficult as before we had genuinely been an easy and open family.  But as time has moved on I now am getting better at ignoring all the nonsense and crap, not getting involved in any way and just making the most of seeing them.  Because like you, I know that at any second it could be taken from me.  Best of luck hun - and if you don't mind me saying over the last few years most of your decisions seem to have been the right ones, so just go with what feels right.  Judi xx